Frank McClellan

Temple University - James E. Beasley School of Law

1719 N. Broad Street

Philadelphia, PA 19122

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Scholarly Papers (10)


Tort Law: Cases, Perspectives, and Problems

Santa Clara Univ. Legal Studies Research Paper No. 07-29, TORT LAW: CASES, PERSPECTIVES, AND PROBLEMS, LexisNexis, 2007
Number of pages: 71 Posted: 28 Jun 2007
Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge - Paul M. Hebert Law Center, Rutgers University-Camden, Rutgers Law School, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge - Paul M. Hebert Law Center, Temple University - James E. Beasley School of Law, Suffolk University Law School, Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law and Santa Clara University - School of Law
Downloads 1,289 (33,040)



Torts, Legal Education, Legal Educator, Discrimination


Nurse Practitioners in Primary Care

Temple Law Review, Vol. 82, p. 1235, 2010, Temple University Legal Studies Research Paper No. 2011-27
Number of pages: 30 Posted: 12 Jun 2011 Last Revised: 28 Aug 2011
Frank McClellan, Tine Hansen-Turton and Jamie M Ware
Temple University - James E. Beasley School of Law, affiliation not provided to SSRN and Temple University - James E. Beasley School of Law
Downloads 1,140 (39,492)



primary care, nurse practitioners, physician shortage, Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act


The Vioxx Litigation: A Critical Look at Trial Tactics, the Tort System, and the Roles of Lawyers in Mass Tort Litigation

DePaul Law Review, Vol. 57, pp. 509-538, 2008
Number of pages: 30 Posted: 11 Jun 2011
Frank McClellan
Temple University - James E. Beasley School of Law
Downloads 330 (189,114)
Citation 1



Vioxx litigation, tort reform, product liability, drug liability


Do Poor People Sue Doctors More Frequently? Confronting Unconscious Bias and the Role of Cultural Competency

Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research, May 2012, Temple University Legal Studies Research Paper No. 2012-16
Number of pages: 8 Posted: 06 Mar 2012 Last Revised: 14 Apr 2012
Frank McClellan, Augustus White, Ramon Jimenez and Sherin Fahmy
Temple University - James E. Beasley School of Law, Harvard University - Harvard Medical School, Monterey Peninsula Orthopedic & Sports Medicine Institute and Temple University - James E. Beasley School of Law
Downloads 145 (413,106)
Citation 2



medical malpractice, unconscious bias, cultural competency, low-income patients, contingency fee, physician misperception, orthopaedics


The Dark Side of Tort Reform: Searching for Racial Justice

Rutgers Law Review, Vol. 48, pp. 761-798, 1996
Number of pages: 38 Posted: 11 Jun 2011
Frank McClellan
Temple University - James E. Beasley School of Law
Downloads 125 (464,377)
Citation 2



tort reform, racial justice, social justice, race discrimination


Health Disparities, Health Care Reform, Morality, and the Law: 'Keep Your Government Hands Off My Medicare'

Temple Law Review, Vol. 82, No. 5, pp. 1141-1162, Spring 2010, Temple University Legal Studies Research Paper No. 2011-37
Number of pages: 23 Posted: 10 Jun 2011 Last Revised: 04 Nov 2011
Frank McClellan
Temple University - James E. Beasley School of Law
Downloads 117 (488,514)



health care reform, health disparities, universal access to health care, morality and law, Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act


Medical Malpractice Law, Morality and the Culture Wars: A Critical Assessment of the Tort Reform Movement

Journal of Legal Medicine, Vol. 27, No. 1, p. 33-53, 2006
Number of pages: 21 Posted: 11 Jun 2011
Frank McClellan
Temple University - James E. Beasley School of Law
Downloads 109 (514,844)
Citation 1



culture wars, medical malpractice, tort reform, health literacy


It Takes a Village: Reforming Law to Promote Health Literacy and Reduce Orthopedic Health Disparities

Frank M. McClellan, James E. Wood, Jr., M.D., and Sherin Fahmy, It Takes a Village: Reforming Law to Promote Health Literacy and Reduce Orthopedic Health Disparities, Journal of Health & Biomedical Law, VIII (2013): 333-375, Temple University Legal Studies Research Paper No. 2013-20
Number of pages: 41 Posted: 08 Jun 2013 Last Revised: 19 Jul 2013
Frank McClellan, James Wood Jr. M.D. and Sherin Fahmy
Temple University - James E. Beasley School of Law, Medstar Harbor Hospital - Department of Othapedic Surgery and Temple University - James E. Beasley School of Law
Downloads 105 (528,959)
Citation 1



Informed Consent, Shared Decision-making, Shared Decision making, Motivational Counseling, Cultural Competency, Health Literacy, Tort Liability, Medical Malpractice, Safe Harbor, Tort Immunity, Statutory Immunity, Tort Defense, Patient responsibility, Physician Duty to inform, Informed Refusal


Judicial Impartiality & Recusal: Reflections on the Vexing Issue of Racial Bias

Temple Law Review, Vol. 78, p. 351-378, 2005
Number of pages: 28 Posted: 11 Jun 2011
Frank McClellan
Temple University - James E. Beasley School of Law
Downloads 81 (623,019)



recusal motion, judicial impartiality, Chief Justice Nix, racial bias


Is Managed Care Good for What Ails You? Ruminations on Race, Age and Class

Villanova Law Review, Vol. 44, pp. 227-256, 1999
Number of pages: 30 Posted: 15 Jun 2011
Frank McClellan
Temple University - James E. Beasley School of Law
Downloads 66 (694,647)



managed care, fee for service plans, health care