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Pittsburgh, PA 15260
United States
University of Pittsburgh - School of Law
in Total Papers Downloads
Justice Thomas, Judge Higginbotham, integration, segregation, affirmative action, racial discrimination, equal protection, Equal Protection Clause, stigma, equality
Thirteenth Amendment, badges and incidents of slavery, Enforcement Clause, Judicial Authority, Constitutional Interpretation, Original Intent, Discrimination, Separation of Powers, Critical Race Theory, Jones v. Alfred H. Mayer Co., Boerne v. Flores
Thirteenth Amendment, slavery, abolition, civil war, badges and incidents of slavery, race, civil rights, racial discrimination, Jones v. Alfred H. Mayer Co., Fourteenth Amendment, equal protection, Equal Protection Clause, Constitutional interpretation, original intent, critical race theory
Justice Thomas, Grutter, Gratz, affirmative action, integration, segregation, racial discrimination, equal protection, Equal Protection Clause, stigma, equality, Adarand
Thirteenth Amendment, badges and incidents of slavery, race, civil rights, racial profiling, Jones v. Alfred H. Mayer Co., Fourth Amendment, Fourteenth Amendment, equal protection, Equal Protection Clause, sole motive, United States v. Avery, slavery, abolition, stigma, Whren v. United States
constitutional law, international law, international human rights law separation of powers, criminal law, mandamus, treaties, human rights, judicial review, supremacy clause, treaty clause, self-execution, self-executing, non-self- execution, non-self-executing, Medellin v. Texas, implementing legis
international law, international human rights law, treaties, margain of appreciation, deference, subsidiarity, European Court of Human Rights, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, International Covenant on Civil
Thirteenth Amendment, Fourteenth Amendment, Fifteenth Amendment, Second Founding, retaliation, slavery, freedom of speech, free speech, First Amendment, civil rights, equality, discrimination, racial justice, abolitionists, public meaning, Reconstruction, originalism, badges and incidents
thirteenth amendment, badges and incidents of slavery, exclusionary rule, Hudson v. Michigan, racial profiling, slavery
Thirteenth Amendment, hate crimes, racial discrimination, disability, sexual orientation, Congress, enforcement clause power, Civil Rights, rationality standard, congruence and proportionality, private action, Jones v. Alfred H. Mayer Co., City of Boerne
affirmative action, race, civil rights, political process, racial minorities, Citizens United v. FEC
Thirteenth Amendment, badges and incidents of slavery, race, civil rights, racial profiling, Jones v. Alfred H. Mayer Co., Fourteenth Amendment, equal protection, Equal Protection Clause, slavery, abolition, civil war, reconstruction, Congress, black codes, slave codes, Brown v. Board of Education
Thirteenth Amendment, badges and incidents of slavery, Constitutional interpretation, original intent, discrimination, Critical Race Theory, civil rights, racial equality, slavery, abolition, judicial interpretation, legislative history, United States, jurisprudence, Jones v. Alfred H. Myer Co.
Thirteenth Amendment, badges and incidents of slavery, race, civil rights, racial discrimination, Jones v. Alfred H. Mayer Co., Fourteenth Amendment, equal protection, Equal Protection Clause, slavery, abolition, civil war, original intent, critical race theory, stigma, constitutional scrutiny
self-incrimination, slavery, constitutional interpretation, constitutional history, second founding, civil war, fifth amendment, due process, enslaved persons, originalism, criminal procedure
Human rights, international law, Michael Ignatieff, cultural relativism, universalism, domestic enforcement, Filartiga v. Pena-Irala, Alien Tort Claims Act, cultural imperialism, Supremacy Clause, The Paquete Habana, U.S. v. Alvarez-Machain, Alexander v. Sandoval
Thirteenth Amendment, antiretaliation, slavery, freedom of speech, retaliation, abolition, civil rights, racial equality, discrimination, racial justice, abolitionists, enslavement, Reconstruction, post-racial, social norms
Section 1985, Section 1986, terrorism, civil rights, social media, hate groups, First Amendment, Reconstruction, Civil War, Section 230, radicalization, Internet
racial profiling, race-based pretextual stops, racial discrimination, equal protection doctrine, Whren, civil rights, Fourth Amendment, Fourteenth Amendment, Thirteenth Amendment, constitutional remedy, badges and incidents of slavery, unconscious bias
Thirteenth Amendment, badges and incidents of slavery, race, civil rights, racial profiling, Jones v. Alfred H. Mayer Co., Fourteenth Amendment, equal protection, Equal Protection Clause, slavery, abolition, congruence and proportionality, necessary and proper, Marbury, McCulloch, civil war
transgender, gender and the law, puberty blockers, hormone therapy, gender-affirming care, LGBTQ, sexual orientation, constitutional law, First Amendment, incitement, drugs, school speech, Second Founding, Reconstruction, slavery, abolition, originalism, Tinker v. U.S., Morse v. Frederick, Bethel School District v. Fraser, Brandenburg v. Ohio, Kuhlmeier v. Hazelwood School District, Island Trees Union Free School District No. 26 v. Pico, in loco parentis, abortion
Sixth Amendment, Due Process Clause, fair trial, judge, jury, Apprendi v. New Jersey, judicial notice, Ring v. Arizona, special territorial jurisdiction, jurisdictional element, Rule 201, separation of powers, 18 USC 7, legislative facts, adjudicative facts, harmless error, structural error
Thirteenth Amendment, class-based subordination, social class, racial caste system, class-based discrimination, poverty, badges and incidents of slavery, Slave Power, income inequity, mass incarceration, civil rights, slave system, Framers' intent, legal interpretation, race equity, US Constitution
Remy Z. Levin, Paul Chen, constitutional interpretation, constitutional adjustment, separation of powers, judicial review, Boerne v. Flores, treaties, Medellin v. Texas, individual rights, Fourteenth Amendment, Head Money Cases, Treaty Clause
Thirteenth Amendment, badges and incidents of slavery, race, civil rights, racial profiling, Jones v. Alfred H. Mayer Co., Fourteenth Amendment, equal protection, Equal Protection Clause, slavery, abolition, stigma, strict scrutiny, housing discrimination, civil war, reconstruction, Congress
civil rights, incarcerated persons, prisoner rights, constitutional claims, equal protection, access to federal courts, due process, racial discrimination, PLRA, AEDPA, class-based legislation, American slave system