Al. Niepodleglosci 162
Warsaw, 02-554
Warsaw School of Economics (SGH)
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financial frictions, open economy, optimal monetary policy
foreign direct investment, spillovers, firm-level data
multi-factor productivity, innovation, convergence, new member states, manufacturing
euro-area imbalances, macroprudential policy, DSGE with banking sector
productivity convergence, FDI, absorptive capacity
financial frictions, DSGE models, business cycle accounting
fiscal policy, monetary policy, public investment
DSGE models with banking sector; foreign currency loans; monetary and macroprudential policy
foreign currency loans, monetary and macroprudential policy
heterogeneous agents, monetary policy
multi-period contracts, general equilibrium models, monetary
internationalization, productivity, panel firm-level data
forecasting, exchange rates, new open economy macroeconomics, mean reversion
quantitative easing, international spillovers, bond market segmentation, term premia
boom-bust cycles, euro area accession, dynamic general equilibrium models
growth accounting, Poland, world economic crisis, real convergence
two-country DSGE, Bayesian estimation, heterogeneity
financial frictions, credit constraints, financial accelerator, model comparison, Eurosystem Central Bank models
financial frictions, DSGE models, DSGE-VAR, Bayesian analysis
Forecasting, DSGE, Bayesian VAR, SPF, Real-time data
global identification, DSGE models
global crisis, firm-level data, foreign ownership, financial constraints
multi-period contracts, monetary policy, macroprudential policy
Euro-area imbalances, macroprudential policy, DSGE with banking sector
macroprudential policy, monetary policy, stabilization tradeoffs
financial frictions, DSGE models, occasionally binding constraints, penalty function
Combining density forecasts, Forecast evaluation, Bayesian inference, Predictivism
Financial Frictions, Credit Constraints, Financial Accelerator, Model Comparison, Eurosystem central bank models
forecasting; DSGE models; parameter updating
Real convergence, Boom-bust cycles, Dynamic general equilibrium models
foreign-owned banks, monetary and macroprudential policy, international spillovers, DSGE models with banking
business cycle accounting, business cycle synchronization
Mortgages, fixed-rate contracts, monetary policy
mortgages, fixed-rate contracts, monetary policy
Monetary policy, Exchange rates, Bounded Rationality