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Pittsburgh, PA 15208
in Total Papers Downloads
Legal Education, Legal Pedagogy, Law School, Legal Practice, Reading, Writing, Ethnography
legal education, educational assessment, assessment, student learning outcomes, teaching, teaching outcomes, law students, methodology, case-dialog, Carnegie Report
children, child welfare, domestic relations, foster care, juveniles, kinship, kinship care, law and society, social welfare
Adoption and Safe Families Act, ASFA, Adoption Assistance and Child Welfare Act of 1980, AACWA, public child welfare systems, reform, permanent placement, permanency planning ,health and safety of children, implementation, legal professionals, legislation, congressional action
applied evolutionary psychology, behavioral biology, empirical research, evolutionary theory, human behavior, law and biology, law and society, lawmaking, legal scholarship, legislation
legal scholarship, law, behavioral biology, scientific method
legal education, educational assessment, student learning outcomes, teaching, teaching outcomes, law students, case-dialog, legal education reform, legal education innovation, traditional teaching methods, legal writing skills
legal clinics, clinical legal education, clinical education, teaching methods, faculty status, interdisciplinary skills, methodology, experiential learning program, community involvement
child welfare, domestic relations, juveniles, kinship and foster care, law and society, science and technology, social welfare
Foster Care, Family Law, Incest, Child Welfare, Juvenile Law,
Legal Frameworks, Civil Procedure, Constitutional Law, Pedagogy
Child maltreatment, Child placement, Fathers, Risk assessment, Evolutionary concepts, Genetic relatedness, Kinship altruism, Kinship cues, Mating effort, Parental investment
behavioral biology, child maltreatment, child welfare, evolutionary theory, foster care, grandparents, kinship, parental investment, risk assessment
Troxel v. Granville, parents' prerogatives, child's best interest, third party visitation statutes, rights of custodial parents, parental rights, children's rights, political functions of the family
: Juveniles, Law and Society, Human Behavior, Family Law, Behavioral Biology
Child Welfare, Aging Out, Justice System, Mental Health, Substance Abuse
foster care safety, kinship cue, behavioral biology, attitude similarity, prosocial behavior, pro-social, maltreatment
behavioral genetics, child decision rule, child custody law, best interests of the child, shared environment, home environment factors
child welfare, foster care, race