694 Simon Hall
Berkeley, CA 94720
United States
U.C. Berkeley Law School
in Total Papers Downloads
Courts, practice and procedure, politics, Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Rules Enabling Act, restrictions on private enforcement of legislation, judicial amendment, interpretive amendments, SCOTUS, litigation reform, empirical research, quantitative evidence of the power of procedure, ideology
Administrative law, politics, practice and procedure, regulation, delegation, compliance, structure of private enforcement, common law, enforcement regimes, employment discrimination law, consumer protection legislation
Practice and procedure, courts, politics and ideology of the judiciary, separation of powers, opportunities and incentives for private enforcement, legislation, Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, SCOTUS, empirical research, Civil Rules Advisory Committee
Empirical legal studies, Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, rule 23, litigation, private enforcement of rights, legislation, rulemaking, politics and ideology of the judiciary, polarization, Supreme Court of the United States, conservative legal movement, class action certification, attorney fees
Federal judges, circuit courts, judicial diversity & behavior, panel effects, political affiliation, influence of ideology, gender & race, gender gap, substantive representation, class actions, complex litigation, civil rights, Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, empirical study of panel composition
Representation, job discrimination, private enforcement, civil rights, litigation, change point models
Opinion assignment, authorship, Courts of Appeals, gender, ideology, sexual harassment
Empirical legal studies, public opinion and awareness, news coverage, issue salience, litigation, private attorney general, Supreme Court of the United States, politics of the judiciary, democracy, Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, rulemaking, rights retrenchment, conservative legal movement
complex litigation, class actions, certification, appellate courts, judges, Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, FRCP, Rule 23(f), empirical legal studies, political polarization, interlocutory & final-judgment appeals, Wal-Mart Stores v. Dukes, Comcast v. Behrend
Political parties, civil litigation, statutory implementation, private enforcement, regulatory laws, attorney’s fees, fee shifting, enforcement powers, regulatory legislation, access to court, federal litigation
Federal judges, circuit courts, judicial diversity & behavior, panel effects, political affiliation, ideology, gender & race, complex litigation, civil rights, discrimination, Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, empirical studies, motions to dismiss, Rule 12(b)(6), Twombly, Iqbal
polarization, divided government, administrative state, separation of powers
Courts, private enforcement of rights, politics & ideology of judiciary, polarization, SCOTUS, Supreme Court, Congress, Rules Enabling Act, conservative legal movement, restrictions on private enforcement of legislation, amendments to Rule 23, class actions, litigation reform, empirical research
litigation, regulation, delegation
litigation, regulation