Somar Al-Mohamad

American University of Middle East. Kuwait

Block 6, Building 1









Scholarly Papers (12)


COVID-19 in Vietnam: What Happened in the Stock Market?

Number of pages: 15 Posted: 23 Jul 2020
University of Dalat, Dalat University, National Chiao Tung University, American University of Middle East. Kuwait and Western Sydney University
Downloads 337 (179,839)



COVID-19, pandemic, Vietnam, stock performance


The Australian Stock Market’s Reaction to the First Wave of the COVID-19 Pandemic and Black Summer Bushfires: A Sectoral Analysis

Gunay, S, Bakry W, and Al-Mohamad S. 2021. The Australian Stock Market’s Reaction to the First Wave of the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Sectoral Analysis. Journal of Risk and Financial Management 14:175.
Number of pages: 19 Posted: 01 Nov 2020 Last Revised: 12 Apr 2021
Samet Gunay, Walid Bakry and Somar Al-Mohamad
American University of the Middle East (AUM), Western Sydney University and American University of Middle East. Kuwait
Downloads 157 (375,415)



COVID-19, Black Summer Bushfire, DCC-FIGARCH, Markov Regime Switching Regression, Australia


Football Sentiment and Stock Market Returns: Evidence From a Frontier Market

Truong, Q,Tran, Q., Bakry,W, Nguyen D, Al-mohamad, S, (2021). Football Sentiment and Stock Market Returns: Evidence From a Frontier Market. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance,30,
Number of pages: 27 Posted: 13 Oct 2020 Last Revised: 21 Apr 2021
University of Dalat, National Chiao Tung University, Western Sydney University, Dalat University and American University of Middle East. Kuwait
Downloads 120 (464,477)
Citation 1



Football Sentiment, Stock Market Returns


An Experimental Analysis of How Resilient BRICS Stock Markets are to the Ukrainian Crisis

Number of pages: 38 Posted: 19 Jan 2023
Somar Al-Mohamad, Ammar Jreisat and Mohamed Sraieb
American University of Middle East. Kuwait, University of Bahrain and American University of Middle East
Downloads 76 (627,086)



Ukrainian crisis, BRICS stock markets, Financial connectedness, Diebold and Yilmaz (2012), Spillover.


The Impact of BRICS Formation on Portfolio Diversification: Empirical Evidence from Pre- and Post-Formation Eras

Al Mohamad, S, Rashid, A, Bakry, W, Jreisat, A, Vo, X, (2020). The impact of BRICS formation on portfolio diversification: empirical evidence from pre- and post-formation eras. Cogent Economics & Finance, Vol 8, No 1.
Number of pages: 32 Posted: 05 Dec 2019 Last Revised: 08 May 2020
American University of Middle East. Kuwait, American University of the Middle East, Western Sydney University, Al Ain University of Science and Technology and University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City
Downloads 65 (680,223)



BRICS, Financial integration, Johansen-Juselius cointegration test, Granger causality, Portfolio diversification, Impulse response Function, Variance Decomposition Analysis.


Further Evidence on Middle East and North Africa Financial Markets Integration

Bakry, W. & Al-Mohamad, S. (2018). Further evidence on Middle East and North Africa financial markets integration. International Journal of Economics and Business Research, Vol.15, No 1.
Number of pages: 16 Posted: 19 May 2020
Walid Bakry and Somar Al-Mohamad
Western Sydney University and American University of Middle East. Kuwait
Downloads 34 (888,188)



structure breaks; financial integration; MENA stock markets; Global Financial Crisis; GFC; causal relationships; Middle East and North Africa.


Digital Finance and Sustainable Development: Evidence from Developing Nations

Science Progress, volume 107, issue 3, 2024(forthcoming) [10.1177/00368504241278823]
Posted: 22 Oct 2024
Western Sydney University, Independent, La Trobe University - School of Economics and Finance, American University of Middle East. Kuwait and Anhui University of Finance and Economics - School of Statistics and Applied Mathematics



digital finance, carbon emission, renewable energy, financial development, IV-GMM


Re-Evaluating Portfolio Diversification and Design Using Cryptocurrencies: Are Decentralized Cyptocurrencies Enough?

Khaki A., Prasad, M., Al-Mohamad, S., Bakry, W., & Vo, X. V. (2023). Re-evaluating portfolio diversification and design using cryptocurrencies: Are decentralized cryptocurrencies enough? Research in International Business and Finance, 64, 101823–.
Posted: 21 Apr 2023 Last Revised: 24 Apr 2023
American University of the Middle East, Western Sydney University - School of Business, American University of Middle East. Kuwait, Western Sydney University and University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City



Bitcoin, Altcoins, Decentralized cryptocurrencies, Centralized cryptocurrencies, Portfolio optimization, Portfolio diversification


The Impact of Ukrainian Crisis on the Connectedness of Stock Index in Asian Economies

Jreisat, A., Al-Mohamad, S., Khaki, A. R., & Bakry, W. (2023). The Impact of Ukrainian Crisis on the Connectedness of Stock Index in Asian Economies. Emerging Science Journal, 7(2). Doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2023-07-02-04
Posted: 27 Feb 2023
Ammar Jreisat, Somar Al-Mohamad, Audil Khaki and Walid Bakry
Al Ain University of Science and Technology, American University of Middle East. Kuwait, American University of the Middle East and Western Sydney University



Ukrainian Crisis; Spillover; Asian Stock Markets; Financial Connectedness


An Examination Of The Banking Efficiency Of The BRICS Countries: A Perspective Derived From The Oil Price Volatility

Ammar Jreisat, Mustafa Raza Rabbani, Sara Omran, Somar Al-Mohamad & Walid Bakry (2022) An examination of the banking efficiency of the BRICS countries: A perspective derived from the oil price volatility, Cogent Economics & Finance, 10:1, 2142315, DOI: 10.1080/23322039.2022.2142315
Posted: 13 Dec 2022 Last Revised: 25 Apr 2023
Al Ain University of Science and Technology, University of Bahrain, affiliation not provided to SSRN, American University of Middle East. Kuwait and Western Sydney University



Oil Price Volatility, Bank Efficiency, Macroeconomics Factors, specific-banks factors, BRICS Countries.


Bitcoin and Portfolio Diversification: A Portfolio Optimization Approach

Bakry, Walid; Rashid, Audil; Al-Mohamad, Somar; El-Kanj, Nasser. 2021. "Bitcoin and Portfolio Diversification: A Portfolio Optimization Approach" J. Risk Financial Manag. 14, no. 7: 282.
Posted: 31 May 2020 Last Revised: 02 Sep 2021
Walid Bakry, Audil Khaki, Somar Al-Mohamad and Nasser El-Kanj
Western Sydney University, American University of the Middle East, American University of Middle East. Kuwait and American University of the Middle East (AUM)



Bitcoin, Cryptocurrencies, Portfolio Optimization, Portfolio Diversification, COVID-19


Are cryptocurrencies a future safe haven for investors? The case of Bitcoin

Rashid A., Bakry W. & Al-Mohamad S. (2023). Are cryptocurrencies a future safe haven for investors? The case of Bitcoin. Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja.
Posted: 11 May 2020 Last Revised: 27 Nov 2023
Audil Khaki, Walid Bakry and Somar Al-Mohamad
American University of the Middle East, Western Sydney University and American University of Middle East. Kuwait



Cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, Blockchain, Digital Currencies, Financial Innovation