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Tilburg University
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consumption, economic well-being, income, life satisfaction, subjective well-being, wealth
flexicurity, labour market dynamics, transitions, European employment policy, social indicators, methodology
easterlin paradox, European value studies, happiness, income
transitional labour market, employment regimes, transitions, panel data, European Community Household Panel
flexicurity indicators, public sector
migration, subjective well-being, happiness, social comparison, adaptation, relative deprivation, German panel data, panel regression models, natural experiment
life satisfaction, inter-generational transmission, German panel survey (SOEP)
life satisfaction, subjective well-being, child happiness, inter-generational transmission, German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP), structural equation models
governance, job insecurity, uncertainty, crisis, trust, CEE countries, welfare regime, youth unemployment, discrete choice models.
wages, wage mobility, wage dynamics, multinomial logit regression, loglinear
subjective well-being, SWB, set-point theory, life goals, individual choice, panel regression analysis, SOEP
two-way causation, job satisfaction and social behaviours, health, life satisfaction, Granger-causation, panel surveys
Subjective well-being, set-point theory, life satisfaction, preference formation theory, role (scarcity-expansion) theory, job match, work-leisure choices, panel regression models
labour law, social security, early retirement, uncertainty, social norms, SILC, European Values Study (EVS), work ethos, leisure values
cumulative disadvantage, employment security, income security, youth, unemployment, single risks, multiple risks, discrete choice models
Values Institutions Retirement Behaviour Europe
theory of LS change; trajectories of LS; set-point theory; medium and long term change; volatility of LS; German Socio-Economic Panel
poverty, resources deprivation, welfare states, income, panel data, European Community Household Panel
flexicurity, welfare regimes, labour market institutions, wage bargain, social norms and values, SILC-data
life satisfaction trajectories; set-point theory; positive feedback loops; Granger-causation
set-point theory, life goals/values, individual choice, panel regression analysis, BHPS, HILDA, SOEP