Catherine M. Brölmann

University of Amsterdam - Amsterdam Center for International Law

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Amsterdam, 1030 BA





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Scholarly Papers (22)


Law-Making Treaties: Form and Function in International Law

Nordic Journal of International Law, No. 74, 2005
Number of pages: 17 Posted: 29 Jan 2009
Catherine M. Brölmann
University of Amsterdam - Amsterdam Center for International Law
Downloads 1,686 (20,902)
Citation 1



Treaty, law of treaties, contractual, law-making


Legal Personality As a Fundamental Concept for International Law

Catherine Brölmann and Janne Nijman in: J d’Aspremont & S Singh (eds), Concepts for International Law ‐ Contributions to Disciplinary Thought (London, E Elgar, 2017), Amsterdam Law School Research Paper No. 2016-43, Amsterdam Center for International Law No. 2016-17
Number of pages: 18 Posted: 30 Sep 2016 Last Revised: 23 Apr 2017
Catherine M. Brölmann and Janne Elisabeth Nijman
University of Amsterdam - Amsterdam Center for International Law and The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (IHEID)
Downloads 1,501 (24,950)
Citation 2



international law, theory of international law, doctrine of international law, international legal personality, legal capacity, subjects of international law, history of international law, international organisations, individuals, non-state actors


Specialized Rules of Treaty Interpretation: International Organizations

Fully revised, in Duncan B. Hollis (ed), The Oxford Guide To Treaties (2nd revised edition), Oxford University Press 2020, 524-544, Amsterdam Law School Research Paper No. 2012-12, Amsterdam Center for International Law No. 2012-01
Number of pages: 35 Posted: 19 Jan 2012 Last Revised: 07 May 2024
Catherine M. Brölmann
University of Amsterdam - Amsterdam Center for International Law
Downloads 1,317 (30,292)



public international law, law of treaties, law of international organizations, sources of international law


The Significance of the 1980 ICJ Advisory Opinion Interpretation of the Agreement of 25 March 1951 between the Who and Egypt

Forthcoming in a slightly different version, in C Ryngaert (ed-in-chief), I Dekker, R Wessel, J Wouters (eds), Case Law on International Organizations: Text and Commentary, (Oxford University Press 2015), Amsterdam Law School Research Paper No. 2015-17, Amsterdam Center for International Law No. 2015-08
Number of pages: 14 Posted: 30 May 2015 Last Revised: 09 Jul 2015
Catherine M. Brölmann
University of Amsterdam - Amsterdam Center for International Law
Downloads 727 (69,227)



International law, international organizations, international institutional law, host state agreement, member state, World Health Organization, Sources of obligation, Duty of cooperation, Good faith, International Court of Justice


International Organizations and Treaties: Contractual Freedom and Institutional Constraint

Number of pages: 30 Posted: 23 Mar 2009 Last Revised: 30 Mar 2009
Catherine M. Brölmann
University of Amsterdam - Amsterdam Center for International Law
Downloads 437 (130,003)



International organizations, treaties, law of treaties, functionalism, constitutionalism, state sovereignty


Member States and International Legal Responsibility: Developments of the Institutional Veil

International Organizations Law Review, vol. 12, 2015, Forthcoming, Amsterdam Law School Research Paper No. 2015-37, Amsterdam Center for International Law No. 2015-17
Number of pages: 22 Posted: 01 Oct 2015
Catherine M. Brölmann
University of Amsterdam - Amsterdam Center for International Law
Downloads 436 (130,349)



international organizations, international responsibility, member state responsibility, Institutional veil, atribution of conduct, attribution of responsibility, International Law Commission, articles on the responsibility of international organizations


Deterritorialization in International Law: Moving Away from the Divide between National and International Law

JE Nijman & PA Nollkaemper, NEW PERSPECTIVES ON THE DIVIDE BETWEEN NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL LAW, pp. 84-109, Oxford University Press, 2007
Number of pages: 26 Posted: 29 Jan 2009
Catherine M. Brölmann
University of Amsterdam - Amsterdam Center for International Law
Downloads 319 (184,368)
Citation 1



territorial, functional, regimes, law-making, legitimacy, domestic law


Typologies and the ‘Essential Juridical Character’ of Treaties

Forthcoming in: M Bowman and D Kritsiotis (eds), Conceptual and Contextual Perspectives on the Modern Law of Treaties (Cambridge University Press 2017), Amsterdam Law School Research Paper No. 2015-18, Amsterdam Center for International Law No. 2015-09
Number of pages: 26 Posted: 02 Jun 2015 Last Revised: 27 Sep 2016
Catherine M. Brölmann
University of Amsterdam - Amsterdam Center for International Law
Downloads 280 (211,354)



International law, law of treaties, Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, lawmaking treaties, constitutive treaties, multilateral treaties, treaty types, normative scope, normative content, form of treaties


Secession within the Union Intersection Points of International and European Law

Amsterdam Law School Research Paper No. 2014-39, Amsterdam Centre for European Law and Governance Research Paper No. 2014-06, Amsterdam Center for International Law No. 2014-24
Number of pages: 74 Posted: 10 Jul 2014 Last Revised: 02 Sep 2016
University of Amsterdam - Amsterdam Center for International Law, University of Amsterdam, Maastricht University, Faculty of Law, Leiden University, Comillas Pontifical University, KU Leuven, Free University of Amsterdam (VU), KU Leuven - Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies, University of Amsterdam - Faculty of Law and Radboud University Nijmegen
Downloads 279 (212,107)
Citation 2



international law, European law, secession, succession, EU membership, independence, citizenship, treaty amendment, statehood


Challenging International Criminal Tribunals Before Domestic Courts

CHALLENGING ACTS OF INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS BEFORE NATIONAL COURTS, August Reinisch, ed., pp. 111-136, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010
Number of pages: 31 Posted: 21 Sep 2010
Jean d'Aspremont and Catherine M. Brölmann
University of Manchester - School of Law and University of Amsterdam - Amsterdam Center for International Law
Downloads 208 (282,143)



International Law, International Criminal Law, Judicial Review, Rule of Law, International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, International Criminal Court, ICTY, ICTR, ICC, Monism, Dualism, Divide between International Law and Domestic Law


Limits of the Treaty Paradigm

INTERROGATING THE TREATY: ESSAYS IN THE CONTEMPORARY LAW OF TREATIES, Matthew Craven, Malgosia Fitzmaurice, eds., pp. 28-39, Wolf Legal Publishers, 2005
Number of pages: 17 Posted: 10 Sep 2009
Catherine M. Brölmann
University of Amsterdam - Amsterdam Center for International Law
Downloads 184 (315,234)




The Law of Treaties Before Domestic Courts and Human Rights Bodies

to appear in A Reinisch and R Janik (eds), International Law in Domestic Courts Casebook, OUP 2018 Forthcoming, Amsterdam Law School Research Paper No. 2017-41, Amsterdam Center for International Law No. 2017-27
Number of pages: 46 Posted: 09 Oct 2017
Christina Binder and Catherine M. Brölmann
Bundeswehr University Munich and University of Amsterdam - Amsterdam Center for International Law
Downloads 181 (320,029)



international law, law of treaties, domestic courts, treaties, self-executing, binding force, interpretation, amendment, termination, reservations


The Permanent Court of International Justice and the International Rights of Groups and Individuals

Malgosia Fitzmaurice, Christian J. Tams & Panos Merkouris (eds.), The Lasting Legacy of the Permanent Court of International Justice (Dordrecht/ Boston, Martinus Nijhoff, 2013) (Forthcoming) , Amsterdam Law School Research Paper No. 2012-92, Amsterdam Center for International Law No. 2012-12
Number of pages: 23 Posted: 26 Sep 2012
Catherine M. Brölmann
University of Amsterdam - Amsterdam Center for International Law
Downloads 178 (324,859)



public international law, courts and tribunals, human rights, minorities, group rights


Capturing the Juridical Will of International Organisations

in: Sufyan Droubi and Jean d’Aspremont (eds), International Organizations and Non-State Actors in the Formation of Customary International Law, Melland Schill Perspectives on International Law (Manchester University Press, 2019) , Amsterdam Law School Research Paper No. 2019-09, Amsterdam Center for International Law No. 2019-02
Number of pages: 21 Posted: 26 Feb 2019
Catherine M. Brölmann
University of Amsterdam - Amsterdam Center for International Law
Downloads 165 (347,113)



Customary international law, Opinio Juris, practice of states, practice of international organisations, juridical will, intention, volonté distincte, accountability of international organisations


The Law of Treaties Before Domestic Courts

(Updated version) to appear in PA Nollkaemper and E Kristjansdottir (eds) International Law in Domestic Courts Casebook, OUP 2016 (Forthcoming), Amsterdam Law School Research Paper No. 2015-19, Amsterdam Center for International Law No. 2015-10
Number of pages: 34 Posted: 31 May 2015
Catherine M. Brölmann and Christina Binder
University of Amsterdam - Amsterdam Center for International Law and Bundeswehr University Munich
Downloads 156 (363,873)



International law, law of treaties, domestic courts, treaties, self-executing, binding force, interpretation, amendment, termination, reservations.


Transparency as a Contested Fundamental in the Law of International Organizations

Forthcoming in: 20 International Organizations Law Review 2023., Amsterdam Law School Research Paper No. 2023-08, Amsterdam Center for International Law No. 2023-04
Number of pages: 18 Posted: 07 Feb 2023
Catherine M. Brölmann
University of Amsterdam - Amsterdam Center for International Law
Downloads 66 (651,164)



international organizations, international law, institutional veil, member states, responsibility of international organizations, ARIO, the law of treaties, theory of IO


Het Constitutionele Perspectief en de Coming of Age van Internationale Organisaties (The Constitutional Perspective and the Coming of Age of International Organizations)

DE REGELS EN HET SPEL: OPSTELLEN OVER RECHT, FILOSOFIE, LITERATUUR EN GESCHIEDENIS, pp. 73-85, J. H. Reestman, A. Schrauwen, M. Van Montfrans, J. H. Jans, eds., TMC Asser Press, 2011, Amsterdam Law School Research Paper No. 2012-14, Amsterdam Center for International Law No. 2012-02
Number of pages: 15 Posted: 30 Jan 2012
Catherine M. Brölmann
University of Amsterdam - Amsterdam Center for International Law
Downloads 63 (666,500)



public international law, law of international organizations, sources of international law


International Organizations and the Disaggregation of Consent

Amsterdam Law School Research Paper No. 09, 2023, Amsterdam Center for International Law No. 05, 2023, Samantha Besson, Consenting to international law, ASIL International Legal Theory series - Cambridge CUP 2023, 116-134, Forthcoming
Number of pages: 21 Posted: 08 Feb 2023
Catherine M. Brölmann
University of Amsterdam - Amsterdam Center for International Law
Downloads 55 (710,136)



international law, consent, customary international law, the law of treaties, international organizations, member states, majority decisionmaking, non-consensual lawmaking, anthropomorphic legal subject


ILO Convention Practice: Mixed Methods in Norm-Setting for Social Justice

Accepted in G Politakis, T Kohiyama and T Lieby (eds), ILO100 – Law for Social Justice (ILO 2019), Amsterdam Law School Research Paper No. 2019-37, Amsterdam Center for International Law No. 2019-18
Number of pages: 15 Posted: 19 Nov 2019
Catherine M. Brölmann
University of Amsterdam - Amsterdam Center for International Law
Downloads 40 (808,945)



ILO Conventions, standard-setting, law of treaties, international institutional law, treaty conclusion, member States, Article 18 VCLT


Regional Organizations in International Law: Exploring the Function-Territory Divide

Forthcoming in (2024) 21 International Organizations Law Review, Amsterdam Law School Research Paper No. 2024-16, Amsterdam Center for International Law No. 2024-02
Number of pages: 20 Posted: 06 May 2024
Catherine M. Brölmann
University of Amsterdam - Amsterdam Center for International Law
Downloads 26 (927,675)



international organizations, regional organizations, regionalism, states, geography, territory, function, universalism, United Nations


For the Love of Structure

Forthcoming in (2024) 21 International Organizations Law Review, Amsterdam Law School Research Paper No. 2024-15, Amsterdam Center for International Law No. 2024-01
Number of pages: 6 Posted: 06 May 2024
Catherine M. Brölmann
University of Amsterdam - Amsterdam Center for International Law
Downloads 26 (937,298)



international organizations, international law, structure, aesthetic, order, neutrality, institutionalization, transparency, phenomenology


Interpretation of Customary International Law in an Institutional Context

Forthcoming in: P. Merkouris, S. Lekkas, The Practice of Interpretation in International Law: Unity, Diversity and Evolution - Cambridge University Press 2024, Amsterdam Law School Research Paper No. 2024-23, Amsterdam Center for International Law No. 2024-05
Number of pages: 21 Posted: 17 Jun 2024
Catherine M. Brölmann
University of Amsterdam - Amsterdam Center for International Law
Downloads 11 (1,087,047)



customary international law, treaties, international organizations, institutional acts, hermeneutics, non-binding instruments, textualization, interpretation, soft law