P.A.L. Ducheine

University of Amsterdam - Amsterdam Center for International Law

P.O. Box 1030

Amsterdam, 1000 BA




Rank 11,082


Top 11,082

in Total Papers Downloads




Scholarly Papers (19)


Non-Kinetic Capabilities: Complementing the Kinetic Prevalence to Targeting

Forthcoming in: Ducheine, P.A.L., Schmitt, M. & Osinga, F. (eds.), Targeting: Challenges of Modern Warfare, The Hague: Springer (2014), Amsterdam Law School Research Paper No. 2014-41, Amsterdam Center for International Law No. 2014-26
Number of pages: 28 Posted: 01 Aug 2014
P.A.L. Ducheine
University of Amsterdam - Amsterdam Center for International Law
Downloads 1,981 (17,222)



Non-kinetic targeting, targeting, information operations, effect based approach, evidence-based targeting, key leader engagement, cyber operations, lawfare, detention


Influence Operations in Cyberspace – How They Really Work

Amsterdam Law School Research Paper No. 2020-61, Amsterdam Center for International Law No. 2020-31
Number of pages: 28 Posted: 24 Sep 2020
Peter B.M.J. Pijpers and P.A.L. Ducheine
University of Amsterdam - Amsterdam Center for International Law and University of Amsterdam - Amsterdam Center for International Law
Downloads 911 (54,271)



Influence Operations, Cyberspace, Disinformation, Subconscious Influence Techniques, Framing


The ‘Next’ War Should Have Been Fought in Cyberspace, Right? An Analysis of Cyber-Activities in the 2022 Russo-Ukraine War

Amsterdam Law School Research Paper No. 47, 2022, Amsterdam Center for International Law No. 15, 2022, Presented at the Future of War Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 5-7 October, 2022
Number of pages: 24 Posted: 01 Dec 2022
P.A.L. Ducheine, Peter B.M.J. Pijpers and K.L. Arnold
University of Amsterdam - Amsterdam Center for International Law, University of Amsterdam - Amsterdam Center for International Law and Independent
Downloads 843 (60,350)



cyberspace, Russo-Ukraine War, hard-cyber operations, soft-cyber operations, digital influence operations, Future of War


Armed Attack in Cyberspace: Clarifying and Assessing When Cyber-Attacks Trigger the Netherlands’ Right of Self-Defence

Amsterdam Law School Research Paper No. 2021-29, Amsterdam Center for International Law No. 2021-09
Number of pages: 32 Posted: 04 Oct 2021 Last Revised: 12 Oct 2021
Ferry Oorsprong, P.A.L. Ducheine and Peter B.M.J. Pijpers
Netherlands Defence Academy - Faculty of Military Sciences, University of Amsterdam - Amsterdam Center for International Law and University of Amsterdam - Amsterdam Center for International Law
Downloads 603 (93,330)



Armed Attack, Threshold, Cyberspace, Article 51 UN Charter, Scale and Effect, Cyber-attack, Policy


The Notion of Cyber Operations

Amsterdam Law School Research Paper No. 2020-09, Amsterdam Center for International Law No. 2020-08
Number of pages: 33 Posted: 17 Apr 2020
P.A.L. Ducheine and Peter B.M.J. Pijpers
University of Amsterdam - Amsterdam Center for International Law and University of Amsterdam - Amsterdam Center for International Law
Downloads 552 (104,324)
Citation 2



Military Cyber Operations, Cyberspace, Cyber Operations, Cyber Security Paradigms, National Security


Manoeuvring and Generating Effects in the Information Environment

Forthcoming, Ducheine, Paul A.L., Osinga, Frans (Eds.) ‘Winning Without Killing: The Strategic and Operational Utility of Non-Kinetic Capabilities in Crises’. Springer Verlag/TMC Asser (Berlin/The Hague), Amsterdam Law School Research Paper No. 2017-30, Amsterdam Center for International Law No. 2017-25
Number of pages: 26 Posted: 03 Jun 2017 Last Revised: 16 Jun 2017
University of Amsterdam - Amsterdam Center for International Law, University of Amsterdam - Amsterdam Center for International Law and University of Amsterdam - Amsterdam Center for International Law
Downloads 533 (108,966)



Cyber Operations, Cyberspace, Cyber Warfare, Information Operations, Information Warfare, Psychological Operations, Non-Kinetic Effects, National Interests, Strategic Interests


Fighting Power, Targeting and Cyber Operations

Amsterdam Law School Research Paper No. 2014-10, Amsterdam Center for International Law No. 2014-04
Number of pages: 36 Posted: 09 Feb 2014 Last Revised: 07 Apr 2015
P.A.L. Ducheine and Jelle van Haaster
University of Amsterdam - Amsterdam Center for International Law and University of Amsterdam - Amsterdam Center for International Law
Downloads 445 (135,473)
Citation 2



cyberspace, fighting power, military doctrine, operations, cyber operations, targeting, cyber warfare, law of armed conflict


Implementing Article 42.7 of the Treaty on European Union: Legal Foundations for Mutual Defence in the Face of Modern Threats

Amsterdam Law School Research Paper No. 2020-71, Amsterdam Center for International Law No. 2020-35
Number of pages: 24 Posted: 15 Dec 2020
P.A.L. Ducheine and J.F.R. Boddens Hosang
University of Amsterdam - Amsterdam Center for International Law and affiliation not provided to SSRN
Downloads 442 (136,587)



European Union, Mutual Defence Clause, Article 42 (7) TEU, Cyber-attack, Hybrid threats


Collective Cyber Defence – the EU and NATO Perspective on Cyber Attacks

Amsterdam Law School Research Paper No. 2021-37, Amsterdam Center for International Law No. 2021-13
Number of pages: 18 Posted: 14 Nov 2021
University of Amsterdam - Amsterdam Center for International Law, affiliation not provided to SSRN and University of Amsterdam - Amsterdam Center for International Law
Downloads 377 (163,776)
Citation 1



collective defence, cyberspace, article 5, article 42(7), mutual defence clause, solidarity clause, nato, european union, cyber diplomacy toolbox


Towards a Legal Framework for Military Cyber Operations

Forthcoming in Ducheine, P.A.L., Osinga, F., Soeters, J. (eds.), NL ARMS Netherlands Annual Review of Military Studies 2012, Cyber Warfare: Critical Perspectives, The Hague: T.M.C. Asser Press (2012): 101-128. , Amsterdam Center for International Law No. 2014-16, Amsterdam Law School Research Paper No. 2014-25
Number of pages: 41 Posted: 19 Mar 2014
University of Amsterdam - Amsterdam Center for International Law, University of Amsterdam, University of Amsterdam - Amsterdam Center for International Law and University of Amsterdam - Amsterdam Center for International Law
Downloads 370 (167,253)
Citation 1



International Law, Cyberspace, Military Doctrine, Human Rights, Status of Forces, Rules of Engagement, Operations, Cyber operations, Cyber Warfare, Law of Armed Conflict


“If You Have a Hammer…” Reshaping the Armed Forces’ Discourse on Information Maneuver

Amsterdam Law School Research Paper No. 2021-34, Amsterdam Center for International Law No. 2021-12
Number of pages: 21 Posted: 02 Nov 2021
Peter B.M.J. Pijpers and P.A.L. Ducheine
University of Amsterdam - Amsterdam Center for International Law and University of Amsterdam - Amsterdam Center for International Law
Downloads 329 (190,055)



cyberspace, intelligence, information, information maneuver, armed forces, influence operations


Comprehensive Cyberattack Chain

Amsterdam Law School Research Paper No. 2023-02, Amsterdam Center for International Law No. 2023-01
Number of pages: 17 Posted: 13 Jan 2023
K.L. Arnold, P.A.L. Ducheine and Peter B.M.J. Pijpers
Independent, University of Amsterdam - Amsterdam Center for International Law and University of Amsterdam - Amsterdam Center for International Law
Downloads 314 (199,676)



cyberattack chain, analysis model, hard cyberattack, soft cyberattack


Information Manoeuvre and the Netherlands Armed Forces: Legal Challenges Ahead

Amsterdam Law School Research Paper No. 2022-12, Amsterdam Center for International Law No. 2022-07
Number of pages: 20 Posted: 19 May 2022
P.A.L. Ducheine, Peter B.M.J. Pijpers and Eric Pouw
University of Amsterdam - Amsterdam Center for International Law, University of Amsterdam - Amsterdam Center for International Law and University of Amsterdam - Amsterdam Center for International Law
Downloads 274 (230,371)
Citation 2



Information Manoeuvre, Data Protection, Armed Forces, the Netherlands, GDPR


Decision-Making and Parliamentary Control for International Military Cyber Operations by the Netherlands Armed Forces

This chapter is an updated and supplemented version of the article published in Dutch: P. Ducheine & K. Arnold, ‘Besluitvorming bij cyberoperaties’ in: Militaire Spectator, Vol 184, 2015-2, pp. 56-70 , Amsterdam Law School Research Paper No. 2020-07, Amsterdam Center for International Law No. 2020-06
Number of pages: 23 Posted: 01 Mar 2020
P.A.L. Ducheine, K.L. Arnold and Peter B.M.J. Pijpers
University of Amsterdam - Amsterdam Center for International Law, Independent and University of Amsterdam - Amsterdam Center for International Law
Downloads 190 (327,974)
Citation 2



Military Cyber Operations, Cyberspace, Defence Cyber Strategy, Decision Making, Parliamentary Control, Constitutional law


De Krijgsmacht: Doel, Functie, Taken en Rollen Geanalyseerd (The Armed Forces: Purpose, Function, Tasks and Roles Analysed)

Amsterdam Law School Research Paper No. 2021-40, Amsterdam Center for International Law No. 2021-14
Number of pages: 25 Posted: 10 Jan 2022
P.A.L. Ducheine and Peter L.J. Bos
University of Amsterdam - Amsterdam Center for International Law and Netherlands Defence Academy
Downloads 186 (334,391)



Armed Forces, Defence, Defence Vision 2035, Article 97 of the Constitution, core tasks, law enforcement, extraordinary circumstances


Controlling the Use of Force

J. van der Meulen, A. Vogelaar, R. Beeres and J. Soeters (eds.) Mission Uruzgan : Collaborating in multiple coalitions for Afghanistan, Amsterdam: AUP (2012). Chapter 5, pp. 67-80., Amsterdam Center for International Law No. 2014-12, Amsterdam Law School Research Paper No. 2014-19
Number of pages: 22 Posted: 07 Oct 2014
P.A.L. Ducheine and Eric Pouw
University of Amsterdam - Amsterdam Center for International Law and University of Amsterdam - Amsterdam Center for International Law
Downloads 166 (369,787)



Ius ad bellum, Military operations, Enduring Freedom (OEF), ISAF, Afghanistan, Law of Armed Conflict


Tanden Voor de Leeuw – Een Voor Haar Doel en Op Haar Taak Berekende Krijgsmacht in de Informatie-Omgeving (Teeth for the Lion – An Armed Force Suited to Its Purpose and Task in the Information Environment)

Amsterdam Law School Research Paper No. 2024-36, Amsterdam Center for International Law No. 2024-08
Number of pages: 52 Posted: 30 Sep 2024
University of Amsterdam - Amsterdam Center for International Law, University of Amsterdam - Amsterdam Center for International Law and University of Amsterdam
Downloads 146 (411,876)



Cyberspace, Information Environment, Legal framework, Fighting Power, Netherlands Armed Forces


Legitimizing the Use of Force

(chapter in): J. van der Meulen, A. Vogelaar, R. Beeres and J. Soeters (eds.) Mission Uruzgan : Collaborating in multiple coalitions for Afghanistan, Amsterdam: AUP (2012). Chapter 3, pp. 33-46. , Amsterdam Center for International Law No. 2014-11, Amsterdam Law School Research Paper No. 2014-18
Number of pages: 22 Posted: 07 Oct 2014
P.A.L. Ducheine and Eric Pouw
University of Amsterdam - Amsterdam Center for International Law and University of Amsterdam - Amsterdam Center for International Law
Downloads 90 (586,855)



Ius ad bellum, Military operations, Enduring Freedom (OEF), ISAF, Afghanistan, Law of Armed Conflict


The Missing Component in Deterrence Theory: The Legal Framework

Amsterdam Law School Research Paper No. 2020-70, Amsterdam Center for International Law No. 2020-34
Number of pages: 27 Posted: 15 Dec 2020
P.A.L. Ducheine and Peter B.M.J. Pijpers
University of Amsterdam - Amsterdam Center for International Law and University of Amsterdam - Amsterdam Center for International Law
Downloads 77 (642,367)



Legal framework, legal bases, deterrence, cyber operations, attribution, cyberspace