La Trobe University
Bundoora, Victoria, Victoria 3083
La Trobe University - Business School
Monetary-Fiscal Interactions, Game of Chicken, Asynchronous Moves, Stochastic Timing, Equilibrium Selection
monetary-fiscal interactions, Game of Chicken, fiscal stress, asynchronous moves, stochastic timing, equilibrium selection
Monetary-fiscal interactions, Time-varying parameters VAR, Sign restrictions, Fiscal gap, Unpleasant monetarist arithmetic
Political Budget Cycle, Uninformed Voters, Elections, Rational Inattention, Generalized Method of Moments
Macroprudential Policy, Monetary Policy, Strategic Interactions, Game of Chicken, Financial Stability, Exuberant Credit, Leaning against the Wind, Unpleasant Monetarist Arithmetic
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Inflation targeting, central bank independence, transparency, accountability, monitoring
asynchronous moves, Battle of sexes, commitment, Game of chicken, inflation targeting, monetary-fiscal interactions