Dept of Biology
100 South Indiana Ave.
Bloomington, IN 47405
United States
Indiana University - Bloomington
in Total Papers Citations
Trade, WTO, Countervailing Duty, Precedent
Non-Market Economies, Countervailing and Antidumping Duties, Precedents, Remand Authority, World Trade Organization
Safeguard Agreement, Dispute Settlement, Impartial Arbitration, Trade Agreements
Tariff Overhang, Tariff Binding, MFN/Nondiscrimination Clause, Free-Riding
trade agreements, tariff overhang, safeguards
Arbitration, Liability Rule, Property Rule, Safeguards, WTO
Informal Norms, Rules-Based Negotiation, WTO
Tariff Binding, Overhang, WTO
Settlement Bargaining, Dispute Settlement Process, Trade Agreements
Dispute Settlement, Second Order Uncertainty
Breach remedies, Trade agreements, Reciprocity principle, World Trade Organization, Safeguards, Randomizing device
Dispute Resolution, Intellectual Property Rights, TRIPS, WTO