Paul A. Tambyah

National Centre for Infectious Diseases







Scholarly Papers (2)


Linear B-Cell Epitopes in the Spike and Nucleocapsid Proteins as Markers of SARS-CoV-2 Exposure and Disease Severity

Number of pages: 38 Posted: 12 Jun 2020
Singapore Immunology Network, Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) - Singapore Immunology Network (SIgN), Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) - Singapore Immunology Network (SIgN), Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) - Singapore Immunology Network (SIgN), National Centre for Infectious Diseases, Singapore, Singapore Immunology Network, Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), Singapore Immunology Network, Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) - Singapore Immunology Network (SIgN), Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) - Singapore Immunology Network (SIgN), Singapore Immunology Network, Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), Singapore Immunology Network, Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), Singapore Immunology Network, Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) - Singapore Immunology Network (SIgN), National Centre for Infectious Diseases, National Centre for Infectious Diseases, National University of Singapore (NUS) - Department of Infectious Diseases, Ng Teng Fong General Hospital - Division of Infectious Diseases, Changi General Hospital, Alexandra Hospital, National University of Singapore (NUS) - Department of Microbiology and Immunology, National Centre for Infectious Diseases, Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) - Singapore Immunology Network (SIgN) and Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) - Singapore Immunology Network (SIgN)
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Citation 6



epitopes; SARS-CoV-2; COVID-19; patients; biomarkers


Immune Landscape of 382-Nt Deleted SARS-CoV-2 Reveals Heightened Adaptive Response Indicating Prophylactic Potential Against COVID-19

Number of pages: 90 Posted: 21 Oct 2020
Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) - Singapore Immunology Network (SIgN), Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) - Infectious Diseases Horizontal Technology Centre, Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) - Singapore Immunology Network (SIgN), Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) - Infectious Diseases Horizontal Technology Centre, Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) - Infectious Diseases Horizontal Technology Centre, Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) - Singapore Immunology Network (SIgN), Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) - Singapore Immunology Network (SIgN), Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) - Singapore Immunology Network (SIgN), Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) - Singapore Immunology Network (SIgN), Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) - Singapore Immunology Network (SIgN), Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) - Infectious Diseases Horizontal Technology Centre, Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) - Singapore Immunology Network (SIgN), Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) - Infectious Diseases Horizontal Technology Centre, Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) - Infectious Diseases Horizontal Technology Centre, Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) - Infectious Diseases Horizontal Technology Centre, National Centre for Infectious Diseases, Singapore, National Centre for Infectious Diseases, National University of Singapore (NUS) - Department of Infectious Diseases, National University of Singapore (NUS) - Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Nanyang Technological University (NTU) - Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine, Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) - Singapore Immunology Network (SIgN), Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) - Singapore Immunology Network (SIgN), Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) - Singapore Immunology Network (SIgN), Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) - Singapore Immunology Network (SIgN) and Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) - Singapore Immunology Network (SIgN)
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COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, transcriptome, ORF8, deletion, RNA-seq