Campus de Carcavelos
Rua da Holanda, 1
Carcavelos, 2775-405
Nova School of Business and Economics
in Total Papers Citations
mass media, radio, segregation, Ku Klux Klan, superman, intolerance, civil rights, racism, protest
active labor market policy, unemployment, wage subsidies, job search
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Active Labor Market Policy, job search, unemployment, Wage Subsidies
Behavior, Citizen, Corruption, Elite capture, Game, incentives, lab-in-the-field, Political leader, Trust
COVID-19, identity, India, Misinformation, Randomized field experiment, religion, social media, Social proximity
Basic services, free riding, Health, Information, infrastructure, Maintenance, Public Service, water and sanitation, Willingness to pay
Child, climate change, economic development, Health, Mortality, Natural resource, Ocean, Renewable resource