Halle, 06120
Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Transition Economies (IAMO)
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cooperative, social capital, governance continuum, cooperative principles
Agricultural cooperatives, irreducible transaction costs, reducible transaction costs, new generation cooperatives, structural change, property rights
cooperative, market, hierarchy, farm problem, structural change
nonprofit organisation, social value, ideology, altruism, public benefit
social capital, organizational performance, transaction costs, opportunism
Bounded rationality, nonprofit organisation, opportunism, transaction costs
transaction cost, agriculture, organizational change, institutional change, transition
nonprofit organization, nongovernmental organization, Niklas Luhmann, functional differentiation, diversity
Governance continuum, governance mechanism, hierarchy, institutional choice, market, nonprofit organisation
institutionalism, nonprofit organisation, Veblen, Commons, Ayres, institutionalism, organizational emergence
third sector, nonprofit sector, exchange paradigm, contractarianism, self-sufficiency
CSR, capitalism, functional differentiation
Rurality, agriculture, governance, third sector, rural development, nonprofit sector
organisational change, transaction costs, path dependency, agriculture, Ukraine
civil society, insurance, cooperative, incentive problems, farm income stabilization, institutional analysis
opportunity, discovery, creation, business models, social differentiation, social systems theory
division of labor, nonprofit organization, preferences, property rights
nondistribution constraint, nonprofit organization, nonmonetary preferences
Leadership, cooperatives, opportunism, Greece
Third Sector Organizations, Rural Development, Europe
Nonprofit economics, Agricultural cooperative, Stakeholder, Market failure
nonprofit firm, transaction cost, information cost, opportunism