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gender, human capital, parental leave
asylum policy, asylum seekers, refugee crisis
refugee crisis, asylum seekers, asylum policy
Asylum Policy, Asylum Seekers, Refugee Crisis
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Asylum Policy, asylum seekers, refugee crisis
human capital, skill transferability, wage growth, occupations, Germany
networks, referrals, uncertainty
inequality, polarization, institutions
universal child care, child development, marginal treatment effects
peer effects in the workplace
child development, maternity leave
wage growth, occupations, specific skills, mobility
technological change, careers of workers
labor supply elasticity, wage effects, immigration, internal migration
Immigration, internal migration, labor supply elasticity, wage effects
skill-biased technological change, heterogeneous firms, between-firm inequality
training, unions, wage compression, matched firm-worker data
marginal treatment effects, child development, universal child care
structural change, manufacturing decline, displaced workers, cost of job loss, human capital, firm rents
tracking, school quality, peer effects, regression discontinuity design
marginal treatment effects, instrumental variables, heterogeneous effects
heterogeneous effects, instrumental variables, marginal treatment effects
knowledge spillover, social pressure, wage structure
child development, marginal treatment effects, Universal child care