Mahesh Poudyal

University of Kent - School of Anthropology and Conservation

United Kingdom







Scholarly Papers (6)


Economic Incentives and Poaching of the One-Horned Indian Rhinoceros in Nepal Stakeholder Perspectives in Biodiversity Conservation: Analysis of Local, National and Global Stakes in Rhino Conservation in Royal Chitwan National Park, Nepal

PREM Working Paper No. 05-12
Number of pages: 48 Posted: 08 Dec 2005 Last Revised: 05 May 2023
University of York - Environment Department, Simon Fraser University - School of Resource and Environmental Management, Simon Fraser University - School of Resource and Environmental Management, University of Kent - School of Anthropology and Conservation, Simon Fraser University - School of Resource and Environmental Management, Simon Fraser University (SFU) - School of Resource and Environmental Management and VU University Amsterdam - Institute for Environmental Studies (IVM)
Downloads 466 (127,963)
Citation 1



Protected areas,biodiversity conservation,anti-poaching,stakeholder analysis,eco-tourism


Economic Incentives and Poaching of the One-Horned Indian Rhinoceros in Nepal: Poaching of the One-Horned Indian Rhinoceros in the Chitwan Valley, Nepal - a Retrospective Econometric Analysis

PREM Working Paper No. 05-07
Number of pages: 24 Posted: 01 Dec 2005
Mahesh Poudyal and Duncan Knowler
University of Kent - School of Anthropology and Conservation and Simon Fraser University (SFU) - School of Resource and Environmental Management
Downloads 157 (387,381)
Citation 1



protected areas, wildlife trade, anti-poaching, economic incentives


Economic Incentives and Poaching of the One-Horned Indian Rhinoceros in Nepal: Simulation Modelling of Policies to Combat the Poaching of Rhino in Royal Chitwan National Park, Nepal

PREM Working Paper No. 05/011
Number of pages: 30 Posted: 01 Dec 2005
Duncan Knowler and Mahesh Poudyal
Simon Fraser University (SFU) - School of Resource and Environmental Management and University of Kent - School of Anthropology and Conservation
Downloads 109 (515,258)



Protected areas, wildlife damage, compensation, anti-poaching, community management


Millions of People in the Tropics Harvest Wild Resources, but Other Socio-Economic Factors Are also Important for Their Wellbeing

Final revised and accepted manuscript in One Earth: Wells, G. J., et al. "Hundreds of millions of people in the tropics need both wild harvests and other forms of economic development for their well-being. One Earth (2023).
Number of pages: 40 Posted: 25 Apr 2023 Last Revised: 18 Jan 2024
Stockholm University - Stockholm Resilience Center, University of Edinburgh, Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and Environment, Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and Environment, University of Kent - School of Anthropology and Conservation, Centre for Environment & Development, ATREE, King’s College London, McGill University, University of Edinburgh, University College London, Bangor University, King's College, London, UK, University of Edinburgh, Trinity College (Dublin), King’s College London, King’s College London, King’s College London, Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and Environment and Stockholm University - Stockholm Resilience Center
Downloads 88 (593,733)



sustainable development; wild harvesting; human wellbeing; modernization; environmentalist's paradox


Who Gets to Eat Wild Fish and Meat? A Socially-Disaggregated Analysis of Wild Animal Consumption Across Diverse Rural Environments in Five Countries of the Global South

Number of pages: 28 Posted: 08 Mar 2023 Last Revised: 17 Mar 2023
Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and Environment, Independent, Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and Environment, University of Kent - School of Anthropology and Conservation, Centre for Environment & Development, ATREE, King’s College London, Independent, Independent, Independent, King’s College London and Independent
Downloads 57 (746,289)




How Do Common Pool Natural Resources Affect Rural Poverty and Inequality? A Multi-Country Comparison

Number of pages: 27 Posted: 08 Nov 2023
Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment, Centre for Environment & Development, ATREE, Stockholm University - Stockholm Resilience Center, Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment, University of Kent - School of Anthropology and Conservation, King's College London, Stockholm University - Stockholm Resilience Center, McGill University and Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment
Downloads 35 (911,525)



Common Pool Resources, poverty, Inequality, tenure, resource abundance, elite-capture