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Federal Reserve Banks - Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond
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new ventures, entrepreneurs
Private equity; leveraged buyouts; bank debt; relationship banking
entrepreneurship, private equity, regional location
banking, economies of scale, too-big-to-fail
bank supervision, bank regulation, bank performance
private equity, initial public offerings, market rationality
gender in economics, race and ethnicity in economics, research institutions, professional labor markets, recommendation letters
recommendation letters, gender in economics, race and ethnicity in economics, research institutions, professional labor markets
bank supervision, large and complex financial companies
credit conditions, primary and secondary corporate bond market, dimension reduction, financial conditions, real activity
interbank lending, OTC markets
Credit crunch, ABCP freeze, liquidity
funding risk and liquidity, global banking, ABCP freeze
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ABCP freeze, credit crunch, liquidity
federal funds market, repo market, central bank reserves, regulation, monetary policy
federal funds market, repo market, central bank reserves, regulation, monetary policy implementation
central bank reserves, Federal funds market, Monetary policy implementation, regulation, repo market
cyber, banks, networks, payments
Fed funds, financial crises, liquidity, interbank lending, hoarding
bonds, private, private equity
Bond prices, interest rates
banking, supervision, regulation
bank runs, payments, coordination, public signals
cyber, banks, networks, payments, COVID-19
stress test, bank capital, event study
Investment Banking, Financial Crisis, IPOs, Underwriting, Event Study
investment banking, financial crisis, IPOs, underwriting, event study
cost of capital, beta, bank regulation, Dodd-Frank Act, banks
capital ratios, growth-at-risk, quantile regressions, threshold regressions
capital, bank, stress testing, financial stability
corporate credit facilities, bond liquidity, credit spreads, purchase effects
Federal Reserve, commercial paper market, CPFF, Federal Reserve lending facilities
Federal Reserve, corporate bond markets, corporate credit facilities, PMCCF, SMCCF, Federal Reserve lending facilities
community development, venture capital
Federal Reserve, corporate bond markets, corporate credit facilities, Primary Market Corporate Credit Facility, Secondary Market Corporate Credit Facility
Federal Reserve, commercial paper market, CPFF, Commercial Paper Funding Facility, Federal Reserve lending facilities,
federal funds market, Y-9C, data quality, interbank loans, fed funds, Fedwire
financial stability, macroprudential policy, monetary policy
cyber, banks, cyberattacks, cyber vulnerability, networks, payments, COVID-19
bank runs, sunspot, payment data
bank supervision, banking, bank regulation