via Parigi 44
Università degli Studi Guglielmo Marconi
in Total Papers Downloads
Shareholder activism, shareholder voting, proxy voting, acting in concert, securities lending, institutional investors, legal origins, control-enhancing mechanisms, corporate governance, ownership concentration
Coase Theorem, Welfare Economics, Tort Liability
Coase, Pigou, Externalities, External Effects, Decoupling Liability, Coase Theorem
Hedge funds, credit derivatives, short selling
Penalty default rules, information forcing rules
Anticommnons, property rights, servitudes, property rules, liability rules
Banking Law; Loan Repayment; Origination Fees; Lexitor Judgment
Legal Harmonization, Economics of Federalism, Contract Law, Company Law, European Law
standard form contracts, economics of time, transaction costs, one-sided contracts, contract in the state of nature
coase theorem, externalities, strict liability rule, moral hazard, pigou, pigouvian tax, reciprocal nature of external effects
"Numerus Clausus"; "Property rights on land"; Economic Analysis of Property Rights"
Dangerous Activitiy; Shavell Theorem; Tort Law; Comparative Law and Economics; Activity Level
Mental Budget; Ineffcient Clauses; Behavioral Law and Economics; Richard Thaler; Kanheman and Twersky
Law and Economics; Commercial Impracticability; Efficient Breach Theory; Best Risk Bearer Theory
Willingness To Pay, Willingness To Accept, Endowment effect, Close substitutes, moral externalities
Economics of Privacy, Economics of Discrimination, Protection of Privacy, Unraveling Result, Signalling
market failures, contract standard clauses, free rider, public goods, consumer protection
Liability Rules; Nuisance Law; Nuisance Law versus Tort Law; Calbresi and Melamend; One View of the Cathedral; Externalities; Property Rules versus Liability Rules
Tort Law; Nuisance Law; Nuisance; Trespass; Liability Rules; Property Rules; One View of The Cathedral
liability of persons of unsound mind; activity level; incapacitation; torts
Penalty Clauses; Behavioral Law and Economics; Clausola Penale
Unconscionable Clauses; Penalty Default Rules; Reasonable Expectations; Market for Lemons; Efficient Clauses; Law and Economics
decoupling liability, excessive activity, double taxation
incompetent individual contracts; unintended negative consequences; Italian Law
Defense of Necessity, State of Necessity, Vincent, Ploof, Law and Economics
law and economics; strict liability; custody; level of activity
Law and Economics; Gifts and Marriage; Gift and Promises
tort liability; activity level; activity level externalities; accidents, uniilateral accident; bilateral accident
Individual Choices; Group Choices
Lexitor Judgment
Consumer contracts; Boilerplate; law and economics; economic analysis of law
Law and economics, Effcienciency and equity, contract law and distributived Justice
Activity-level, Excessive activity level, Efficient level of activity, Decoupling, Coase, Pigovian tax
freedom of contract, market failures, homo oeconomicus, social justice
Shareholder activism, shareholder voting, proxy voting, acting in concert, stock lending, institutional investors, legal origins, control-enhancing mechanisms, corporate governance, ownership concentration