Helleveien 30
NHH Norwegian School of Economics
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venture capital, IPO, trade sale, corporate governance, moral hazard, disinvestment, exit strategy
Venture capital, staging, corporate governance, moral hazard, renegotiation, contract theory
Venture capital, hold-up, renegotiation, staging, milestones
venture capital, corporate governance, empirical contract theory, hold-up, exit rights, trade-sale rights
venture capital, corporate governance, empirical contract theory, control rights, exit rights
Private equity, incentives, fund manager, ownership, risk taking, wealth
Private equity, incentives, fund manager, ownership, risk-taking, wealth
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buyouts, general partner, incentives, ownership, private equity, Risk Taking, Wealth
Bonds, Covenants, Defeasance, Renegotiation
Bug bounty program, software security, information technology security, software vulnerability
Private Equity, Valuation Management, Fundraising
Financial contract design, corporate bonds, action-limiting covenants, covenant defeasance, callability, bond yields JEL Classification: G32, D86, G12