Harold Hongju Koh

Yale Law School

Gerard C & Bernice Latrobe Smith Professor of International Law

P.O. Box 208215

New Haven, CT 06520-8215

United States









Scholarly Papers (6)


Yale Law School Global Constitutionalism Seminar, E-Book Volumes 1-5, 2016

Yale Law School Global Constitutionalism Seminar, E-Book Volumes 1-5, 2016, UCLA School of Law, Public Law Research Paper No. 16-56, Yale Law & Economics Research Paper No. 566, Yale Law School, Public Law Research Paper No. 590
Number of pages: 461 Posted: 05 Dec 2016 Last Revised: 23 Jan 2017
Yale University - Law School, Supreme Court of Canada, Constitutional Court of Italy, Constitutional Court of Colombia, Supreme Court of the United Kingdom, Yale University - Law School, European Court of Human Rights, Yale Law School, Yale University - Law School, Yale University - Law School, Yale University - Law School, European Court of Human Rights, Yale University - Law School, Yale University - Law School and Yale University - Law School
Downloads 552 (98,074)



global, constitutionalism, constitutional law, jurisprudence, procedure, civil, criminal, international law, courts, judges, judicial review, rights, liberties, human rights, sentencing


Reconstituting Constitutional Orders

2017 Volume of Yale's Global Constitutionalism Seminar, a Part of the Gruber Program for Global Justice and Women's Rights, Yale Law School, Public Law Research Paper No. 628
Number of pages: 437 Posted: 16 Dec 2017 Last Revised: 01 Nov 2018
Yale Law School, Constitutional Court of Colombia, Yale Law School, Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin, Supreme Court of Canada, European University Institute, Princeton School of Public and International Affairs, Princeton University, Yale University - Law School, Constitutional Court of Italy, Yale University - Law School, Yale University - Law School, University of San Andres (UMSA), Yale University - Law School and University of Alabama School of Law
Downloads 321 (183,611)




Global Reconfigurations, Constitutional Obligations, and Everyday Life

2018 Volume of Yale's Global Constitutionalism Seminar, a Part of the Gruber Program for Global Justice and Women's Rights., Yale Law School, Public Law Research Paper No. 662
Number of pages: 302 Posted: 08 Nov 2018
Yale University - Law School, Yale University - Law School, University of Alabama School of Law, European Court of Human Rights, Yale Law School, Yale Law School, European University Institute, Yale Law School, Yale University - Law School, Yale Law School, Constitutional Court of Italy, Yale University - Law School, Yale University and Constitutional Court of Colombia
Downloads 214 (274,511)
Citation 1



International; comparative; constitutional; human rights; family; marriage; parentage; surrogacy; sports; doping; free speech; competition; arbitration; corruption; refugee; asylum; immigration; detention; social and economic rights; political economy; health; medicine; drug pricing


Ronald v. Dellums v. George Bush (D.D.C. 1990): Memorandum Amicus Curiae of Law Professors

Stanford Journal of International Law, Vol. 27, p. 257, 1991, William & Mary Law School Research Paper No. 09-163
Number of pages: 10 Posted: 25 Sep 2011 Last Revised: 29 Dec 2014
Duke University School of LawWilliam & Mary Law School, Yale University - Law School, affiliation not provided to SSRN, Columbia Law School, affiliation not provided to SSRN (deceased), affiliation not provided to SSRN (deceased), affiliation not provided to SSRN (deceased), affiliation not provided to SSRN (deceased), Harvard Law School, Yale Law School and affiliation not provided to SSRN (deceased)
Downloads 181 (319,787)



president, Congress, War Power


How to Keep the United States in the Who: Immediate Withdrawal Would Be a Global Health and a Legal Disaster

Foreign Affairs, June 5, 2020
Posted: 25 Jun 2020
Harold Hongju Koh and Lawrence O. Gostin
Yale Law School and Georgetown University - Law Center - O'Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law



global health, health law and policy, public health, coronavirus


Separating Myth from Reality About Corporate Responsibility Litigation

Journal of International Economic Law, Vol. 7, Issue 2, pp. 263-274, 2004
Posted: 29 Feb 2008
Harold Hongju Koh
Yale Law School

