Mohrenstraße 58
Berlin, 10117
DIW Berlin, German Institute for Economic Research
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Child care, labor supply, discrete choice, panel study, Germany
child care, labor supply, discrete choice, panel study, Germany
Parental leave, gender equality, social norms, social interaction, policy evaluation
parental leave, gender equality, social norms, social interaction, policy evaluation
COVID-19, child care, domestic work, gender division, day care
female labour supply, parental leave, micro simulation study
Parental leave, wages, labor supply
parental leave, wages, labor supply
labor supply, parental leave benefits, childcare costs, structural model, natural experiment
employment, fertility, financial incentives
household taxation, income distribution, work incentives, microsimulation
mobility of high-school graduates, tuition fees, natural experiment
income taxation, family, income distribution, France, Germany
microsimulation, labor supply, fertility, evidence-based policy
Gender wage gap, quantile regression, selection into employment
gender wage gap, quantile regression, selection into employment
Childcare provision, mother's labor supply, generalized difference-in-difference
childcare, redistribution, political preferences, public provision of private goods
labor supply, micro simulation, family policy, income taxation, Austria, Germany
higher education, distance to university, competing risk model
competing risk model, distance to university, higher education
peer effects, social interaction, labor supply, family policy
child care, excess demand, partial observability model
labour supply, tax-benefit reforms, family policy
labor supply, tax-benefit system, microsimulation, family policy
higher education, financial incentives, competing risk model
Gender pay gap, women in management, board diversity, two-way fixed effects, linked employer-employee data
labor supply, hours restrictions, involuntary unemployment, gender
care work, gender equality, family policy, labor supply
evaluation, natural experiment, difference-in-differences, marginal employment
optimal taxation, labor supply behavior, transfers for children
family policy, labor supply, child care, policy evaluation, structural model
gender pay gap, women in management, board diversity, two-way fixed effects, linked employer-employee data
Labor supply, hours restrictions, involuntary unemployment, gender
discrimination, parental leave, gender, hiring, experiment