Beauchef 851
Universidad de Chile
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queuing, service operations, retail, choice modeling, empirical research, operations/marketing interface
retail operations, big data, business analytics, bibliometrics, consumer behavior, technology
Choice Models, Marketing-Operations Interface, Econometrics, Empirical Research
choice models, retailing, out-of-stocks, inventory management, Bayesian methods, data augmentation, aggregate demand estimation
Discrete Choice Models, Data Augmentation, Markov Chain Monte Carlo Simulation, Random Coefficients
managing expectations, experience goods, word of mouth, disconfirmation, game theory, signaling, behavioral industrial organization
empirical OM, Service Operations, Marketing/OM interface, Retail Planning, OM Practice, hazard models, staffing decisions
advertising, Bayesian econometrics, demand estimation, quantity demand models, television
structural models; econometrics; complements
experience goods, advertising, word of mouth, negativity, positivity, game theory, signaling, behavioral industrial organization
queueing, econometrics, service industry, behavioral operations, call centers, online platforms
stockouts, brand loyalty, natural experiment, consideration sets
Structural models, product line decisions, assortment, pricing, competition, demand estimation, sample selection, industrial organization
experience goods, advertising, observational learning, word of mouth, positivity, negativity, game theory, signaling, behavioral industrial organization
service operations management, customer learning, Bayesian hierarchical models, structural estimation, air cargo logistics
Eye tracking, Repetitive tasks, Learning, Task performance, Seemingly unrelated regressions, Bayesian Statistics, Behavioral Decision Making, Decision Analysis
structural modeling, supermarket demand, food policy, subsidies, public policy
COVID19, lockdowns, public health, epidemiology, mobility, global analysis, meta-analysis, pandemics
Eye-tracking, conjoint, choice models, attention, preference, incidental exposure, goal-driven processes, Poisson model
Customer relationship management, competitive strategy, game theory, customer lifetime value, customer equity, customer acquisition, customer development, customer retention, services marketing, relationship marketing