Universitaetsstrasse 6
Marburg, D-35037
University of Marburg - Faculty of Law
in Total Papers Downloads
Brexit, freedom establishment, incorporation or seat theory, cross border mergers, auditors, listed companies
shareholders' agreements, listed companies, Germany, partnership, acting in concert, Take-Over Act, Securities Trading Act
auditor liability, liability cap, general meeting, auditor independence
Corporate Governance, Corporate Governance Codes, comply or explain, code effectiveness, disclosure, enforcement, European Commission, Action Plan
Parent-Subsidiary Relations, Minority and Creditor Protection, Related Party Transactions, European Regulation
related party, approval, majority-of-the-minority, disclosure, materiality, Shareholder Rights Directive, harmonisation
related party transactions, conflicts of interest, corporate governance, minority shareholder protection, group of companies, fair trade law, shareholder primacy
cross-border conversions, cross-border divisions, cross-border mergers
Corporate Governance, Outside director liability, business judgment rule, Ovitz, Mannesmann, ARAG/Garmenbeck, monitoring-context
Treuepflicht des Vorstands, Prioritätsgrundsatz, Interessenkonflikte, Treuepflicht im Konzern, Wettbewerbsverbot, Geschäftschancendoktrin, Eigengeschäfte mit der Gesellschaft; Vergütung des Vorstands, Zuwendungen an Vorstandsmitglieder, eigennützige Zuwendungen an Dritte
Takeover, Takeover Directive, TOD, stakeholder, shareholder, capital markets, European Union, United Kingdom, corporate governance
Elder Law, Gemany, Elder Law Attorney