One Newark Center
Newark, NJ 07102-5210
United States
Seton Hall Law School
drug legislaton, drug safety, Vioxx, FDA, Food and Drug Administration, drug testing
drugs, drug risks, limits of testing,notable risk signals, preemption, drug reform, drug legislation, drug reform legislation, Vioxx, cardiovascular risks, pre-market testing, FDA regulatory authority, Food and Drug, active drug surveillance, user fees
Administrative law, rulemaking, statutory interpretation, Delaney Clause, FDA, Food and Drug Administration
Commercial speech, commercial free speech, FDA and the constitution, health claims on foods, health claims on supplements
drug preemption, drug safety, torts, products liability, Wyeth v. Levine
Biotechnology, genetically modified foods, food biotechnology, bioengineered salmon
Drug Approvals, Deficit, User Fees, Prescription drugs