Thuwal 23955- 6900
Thuwal, 4700
Saudi Arabia
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST)
Arabian Peninsula, CCS, CCUS, subsurface CO2 storage, deep aquifer, seals, stacked basalts, geothermal energy
Enhanced Gas Recovery, CCS, CO2 Storage, Optimization
Jizan Basalt, Subsurface basalt mineralization, Batch fluid-rock experiments, Proof of carbonation
Geochemical modelling, Precipitation kinetics, Local equilibrium, Mineral carbonation, Carbon capture and storage
Basalt storage, mineral carbonation, Western Saudi Arabia
polymer flooding, permeability reduction, polymer retention, inaccessible pore volume, resistance factor, microfluidics
Geothermal reservoirs, Uncertainty Quantification, Design of experiments, time-dependent optimization, proxy modeling
microemulsion, salinity, Winsor phase behavior, rheology, Flow displacement process, Conformance improvement technology (CIT)
Techno-economic assessment, CO2-enabled geothermal system, Levelized Cost of Electricity, Net Present Value
Carbon capture and storage, carbon mineralization, anorthosite, reaction rate, kinetics