Old College
South Bridge
Edinburgh, EH8 9YL
United Kingdom
University of Edinburgh - School of Law
in Total Papers Downloads
peace agreements, women, peace negotiations, UNSCR 1325
women, peace agreements, peacemaking, armed conflict, negotiation
Peace settlement, lex pacificatoria, international conflict, security law, international law, jus ad bellu, jus in bello
political settlements, conflict resolution, peacebuilding, peace agreements, inclusion
Peace Agreement
Transitional justice, conflict resolution, conflict transformation, international intervention, political settlement, peace settlement, political bargaining, international law, international criminal law, international human rights law, human rights
political settlement, constitution-making, post-conflict, democratisation, transition
peace agreements, law of peace, Philippines
Peace building, human rights, international conflict
ius post bellum, lex pacificatoria, human rights, humanitarian law, international criminal law, peacebuilding
Transitional Justice, Human Rights, Lex Pacificatoria, Political Settlement, Conflict
Scottish independence, International law, Self-determination, Unionism, UK constitution
Saville, Bloody, Sunday
Bloody Sunday, Set the truth free, Saville Report
Iraq Inquiry, Chilcott
religion, peacebuilding, conflict resolution, peace agreements
law; political science; conflict resolution; human rights; humanitarian law; peace agreements; peacebuilding
data-viz, interactive visualization, peace processes, peace agreements, international law
human rights, emancipation, northern ireland
ECHR, EU, Brexit, Human Rights, United Kingdom, Devolution, Consent
transitional justice, feminist theory, international law, international criminal law, gender
Civil society, Constitutional law, Democratic institutions, Peace agreements, Peace and conflict, Political participation
peace agreements, international law, compliance, international agreements, treaties, legalization