Pío Nono Nº1, Providencia
Santiago, R. Metropolitana 7520421
University of Chile
in Total Papers Citations
gender, political economy, elections, violence
electoral incentives, environment, gun control, reproductive rights
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Electoral incentives, Environment, Gun control, Reproductive Rights
emergency contraception, youth, contraceptive behaviour, risky behaviour
property rights, gender, land reform, infant mortality, fertility, sex ratio
inequality, land reform, household division, land markets
conflict, polarization, papal states, conclave
social safety net, public health, COVID-19, domestic violence
discrimination, implicit biases, sociology of economics
parental childcare, gender identity norms, gender wage gap
Student Evaluations of Teaching, Facial Structure, Dominance, Gender biases
COVID-19, Domestic violence, lockdown, Public health, social safety net
Elections, Gun-control regulations, Pandering, Vocal minority