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Henry Bern
University College London - MRC Clinical Trials Unit
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Safety and Immunogenicity of a Self-Amplifying RNA Vaccine Against COVID-19: COVAC1, a Phase I, Dose-Ranging Trial
Number of pages: 34
Posted: 16 Jun 2021
Katrina M. Pollock
Hannah M. Cheeseman
Alexander J. Szubert
Vincenzo Libri
Marta Boffito
David Owen
, Henry Bern,
Jessica O’Hara
Leon R. McFarlane
Nana-Marie Lemm
Paul F. McKay
Tommy Rampling
Yee Ting N. Yim
Ana Milinkovic
Cherry Kingsley
Tom Cole
Susanne Fagerbrink
Marites Aban
Maniola Tanaka
Savviz Mehdipour
Alexander Robbins
William Budd
Saul N. Faust
Hana Hassanin
Catherine A. Cosgrove
Alan Winston
Sarah Fidler
David T. Dunn
Sheena McCormack
Robin John Shattock
Imperial College London - Department of Infectious Disease, Imperial College London - Department of Infectious Disease, University College London - MRC Clinical Trials Unit, University College London, Imperial College London, NIHR Imperial Clinical Research Facility, University College London - MRC Clinical Trials Unit, Imperial College London - Department of Infectious Disease, Imperial College London - Department of Infectious Disease, Imperial College London, Imperial College London, University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust - Department of Clinical Virology, University College London, Government of the United Kingdom - Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Imperial College London, NIHR Imperial Clinical Research Facility, NIHR Imperial Clinical Research Facility, NIHR Imperial Clinical Research Facility, NIHR Imperial Clinical Research Facility, NIHR Imperial Clinical Research Facility, NIHR Imperial Clinical Research Facility, NIHR Imperial Clinical Research Facility, University of Southampton - NIHR Southampton Clinical Research Facility and Biomedical Research Centre, University of Surrey - Surrey Clinical Research Centre, St George’s University London - St George’s Vaccine Institute, Imperial College London - Department of Infectious Disease, Imperial College London - Section of Virology, University College London - MRC Clinical Trials Unit, University College London - MRC Clinical Trials Unit and Imperial College London - Department of Infectious Disease
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COVAC1 Phase 2a Expanded Safety and Immunogenicity Study of a Self-Amplifying RNA Vaccine Against SARS-CoV-2
Number of pages: 33
Posted: 27 Sep 2022
Alexander J. Szubert
Katrina M. Pollock
Hannah M. Cheeseman
Jasmini Alagaratnam
, Henry Bern,
Olivia Bird
Marta Boffito
Ruth Byrne
Tom Cole
Catherine A. Cosgrove
Saul N. Faust
Sarah Fidler
Eva Galiza
Hana Hassanin
Mohini Kalyan
Vincenzo Libri
Leon R. McFarlane
Ana Milinkovic
Jessica O’Hara
David R. Owen
Daniel Owens
Mihaela Pacurar
Tommy Rampling
Simon S. Skene
Alan Winston
James Woolley
Yee Ting N. Yim
David T. Dunn
Sheena McCormack
Robin John Shattock
University College London - MRC Clinical Trials Unit, Imperial College London - Department of Infectious Disease, Imperial College London - Department of Infectious Disease, Imperial College London - Department of Infectious Disease, University College London - MRC Clinical Trials Unit, St George’s University London - St George’s Vaccine Institute, Government of the United Kingdom - Department of HIV/GUM, Government of the United Kingdom - Department of HIV/GUM, NIHR Imperial Clinical Research Facility - NIHR Imperial Biomedical Research Centre, St George’s University London - St George’s Vaccine Institute, University of Southampton - NIHR Southampton Clinical Research Facility and Biomedical Research Centre, Imperial College London - Section of Virology, St George’s University London - St George’s Vaccine Institute, University of Surrey - Surrey Clinical Research Centre, Imperial College London - Department of Infectious Disease, University College London, Imperial College London - Department of Infectious Disease, Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS FT, Imperial College London - Department of Infectious Disease, NIHR Imperial Clinical Research Facility - NIHR Imperial Biomedical Research Centre, University of Southampton - NIHR Southampton Clinical Research Facility and Biomedical Research Centre, University Hospital Southampton - NIHR Southampton Biomedical Research Centre, University College London - Comprehensive Biomedical Research Centre, University of Surrey - Surrey Clinical Research Centre, Imperial College London - Department of Infectious Disease, University of Surrey - Surrey Clinical Research Centre, University College London - Comprehensive Biomedical Research Centre, University College London - MRC Clinical Trials Unit, University College London - MRC Clinical Trials Unit and Imperial College London - Department of Infectious Disease
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SARS-CoV-2, vaccination, self-amplifying RNA, saRNA, immune response