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in Total Papers Citations
Quality, Regulation, Asymmetric Information
bargaining, unions, severance pay, Diamond-Mortensen-Pissarides models
War, military conflicts, depreciation shocks, real business cycle model, random coefficient autoregressive model
models of search and matching, bargaining frictions, economic performance, labor market institutions, part-time jobs, labor market rigidities
Monetary union, asymmetric shocks, price stickiness, financial market incompleteness, welfare
trade integration, ináation differentials, welfare analysis, optimal currency areas
Fiscal policies, open economies, public deficits, tax reforms
Models of search and matching, bargaining frictions, economic performance, labor market institutions, part-time jobs, labor market rigidities
Sovereign Default Risk, Financial Crisis, Fiscal Policy
Climatic conditions, TFP shocks, real wages, real rents
Fluctuations, War, Trade, Taxes, Public Debt, Bayesian estimations, Multipliers, Welfare
Competitive tax reforms, endogenous tradability, endogenous varieties, monetary union, taxes, fiscal devaluations
Monetary Union, Financial Markets Incompleteness, Sticky Prices, Fiscal and Monetary Policy
unemployment insurance, liquidity, moral hazard, search, calibration
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Currency wars, protectionism, trade wars
small open economy, sticky prices, optimal monetary and fiscal policies