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International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
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Rural Poverty Reduction, Markets and Market Access, Population Policies, Achieving Shared Growth
WTO, Multilateral Trade Negotiations, Manufacturing Trade Reform, Agricultural Distortions
Trade policy, WTO, Doha Development Agenda, multilateral negotiations
China, WTO accession, labor market imperfections, distributional consequences
Trade and Multilateral Issues
Economic Theory & Research, Trade Policy, Free Trade, Emerging Markets, Currencies and Exchange Rates
Agriculture, manufacturing, total factor productivity, growth, convergence, panel data
Nutrition, Food Security
Free Trade, Agribusiness, Trade Policy, International Trade and Trade Rules, Debt Markets
Inequality, International Trade and Trade Rules, Food Security, Macroeconomic Management, Nutrition
Trade policy reform, computable general equilibrium modeling, agricultural
Trade policy, WTO, multilateral negotiations, computable general equilibrium
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Trade policy, WTO, multilateral negotiationa, computable general equilibrium, sub-Saharan Africa
Markets and Market Access, Economic Theory & Research, Tax Law, Trade Law, Free Trade
Trade policy reform, computable general equilibrium modeling, agricultural protection, economic welfare
agricultural trade, international trade, trade policy, Doha Developmental Round of the World Trade Organization (WTO), Doha Development Agenda, tariff, market access, domestic support
Agribusiness, Free Trade, Emerging Markets, Trade Policy, Economic Theory & Research
International Trade and Trade Rules, Food Security, Energy and Mining, Mining & Extractive Industry (Non-Energy), Common Carriers Industry, Food & Beverage Industry, Business Cycles and Stabilization Policies, Plastics & Rubber Industry, Construction Industry, General Manufacturing, Pulp & Paper Industry, Textiles, Apparel & Leather Industry
Markets and Market Access, Emerging Markets, Access to Markets, E-Business, Commodities
Food price volatility, food security, insulating trade policies
Food & Beverage Industry, Rural Poverty Reduction, Markets and Market Access, Regional Economic Development
Markets and Market Access, Emerging Markets, Food & Beverage Industry, Access to Markets, Rural Poverty Reduction
Commodity price stabilization, Domestic market insulation, International price transmission, Loss aversion
Trade policy reform, computable general equilibrium modeling, poverty alleviation
Economic Theory & Research, Free Trade, Emerging Markets, Trade Policy, Trade Law
Fiscal & Monetary Policy, International Trade and Trade Rules, Economic Theory & Research, Industrial Economics, Consumption, Inequality, Economic Growth
Food & Beverage Industry, Economic Theory & Research, Rural Development Knowledge & Information Systems, Livestock and Animal Husbandry, Regional Economic Development
Agribusiness, Free Trade, Economic Theory & Research, Country Strategy & Performance, Trade Policy
Trade policy reform, WTO, multilateral negotiations, computable general equilibrium, developing countries
Agribusiness, Economic Theory & Research, Emerging Markets, Currencies and Exchange Rates, Debt Markets
non-tariff barriers, agricultural and trade policies, distorted incentives, tariffs
Emerging Markets, Debt Markets, Economic Theory & Research, Markets and Market Access, Currencies and Exchange Rates
Rural Poverty Reduction, Economic Theory & Research, Emerging Markets, Trade Policy, Achieving Shared Growth
farm trade policy, income inequality, Poverty, price distortions
Services & Transfers to Poor, Poverty Assessment, Poverty Reduction Strategies, Rural Poverty Reduction, Safety Nets and Transfers
market access, tariff formulas, WTO, tariff reductions
Expected Costs of Protection, Commercial Policy Uncertainty, Market Access WTO, Tariff Bindings.
Expected costs of protection, commercial policy uncertainty, market access, WTO tariff bindings
Border Carbon Adjustment, Carbon tax, Consumption tax, Greenhouse gas, Global warming, VAT, WTO
fiscal policy, second best, public goods, distortions, costs of taxation
Economic Growth, Economic Theory & Research, Industrial Economics
Markets and Market Access, Economic Theory & Research, Emerging Markets, Access to Markets, Free Trade
Markets and Market Access, Climate Change Economics, Emerging Markets, Access to Markets, Trade Policy
Economic Theory & Research, Emerging Markets, Markets and Market Access, Trade Policy, Free Trade
Free Trade, International Trade and Trade Rules, Markets and Market Access, Debt Markets, Trade Policy
International Trade and Trade Rules, Agribusiness, Free Trade, Trade Policy, Debt Markets
economic growth; poverty; macroeconomics; productivity; wages; developing countries; income; sustainable development goals
Economic Theory & Research, Public Sector Economics, Debt Markets, Emerging Markets, Taxation & Subsidies
Free Trade, International Trade and Trade Rules, Trade Policy, Economic Theory & Research, Debt Markets
Agricultural Policies, Policies, Modeling, Models, Agriculture, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Subsidies, OECD, Climate Change, Land Use, Agricultural Production, MIRAGRODEP Agricultural Incentives
spatial data, climate change, El Nino, models, food security, exports, trade, poverty, weather, food supply
Climate Change Economics, Economic Theory & Research, Climate Change Mitigation and Green House Gases, Science of Climate Change, Trade Policy
Debt Markets, Access to Markets, Economic Theory & Research, Emerging Markets, Markets and Market Access
Value Added Tax, taxes, fiscal policies, labour market, labor market, remuneration, income, subsidies, trade, economics, international trade, living standards, cash flow, VAT, corporate tax, cash-flow taxation, GST, social VAT
AFRICA, trade, horticulture, agricultural trade, exports, trade policies, trade barriers, economic policies, agro-processing
agriculture, environment, reforms, greenhouse gas emissions, land use change, agricultural productivity, research, greenhouse gases, market prices
Trade and Multilateral Issues, Trade Policy, Political Economy, Rules of Origin, International Trade and Trade Rules
economic growth, agricultural economics, development, agricultural policies, convergent improvement, developed countries, developing countries, trade, trade policies
Poverty and Trade
trade policy, food prices, behavioral economics, econometric models, food price volatility
Market access, tariff formulas, WTO
Asia-Pacific, economic projections, food and agriculture markets, global CGE modelling
Doha Development Agenda, trade agreements, trade negotiations, WTO
agricultural protection growth, tariff aggregation, trade policy counterfactuals
agricultural trade, efficiency, trade negotiations, market access, sensitive products, tariffs, WTO
Export growth, China, India, Middle East, Dutch disease, general equilibrium
economic growth, China, India, Europe, product quality, product variety, F11, F43, Q17
WTO, GATT, trade negotiations, international relations, Doha Development Agenda, multilateral, trading system, diplomacy, F10, F13, F15, O19