401 Sunset
Windsor N9B 3P4, Ontario
University of Windsor - Odette School of Business
in Total Papers Downloads
Personality, Conflict Styles, Bargaining Behaviors
online review; deceptive review; review credibility
China, emerging markets, entrepreneurship, misfit, returnee entrepreneurs, venturing financing
Online review fraud; Fraudulent reviewer detection; Goals Plans Action theory; Target features; Non target features
Knowledge management, Knowledge sharing, Collectivistic culture, Motivation, Trust, China
Emerging markets,�Environment strategies,�Export intensity,�MNE customers,�Resource dependence,�China
International diversification, Technological capability, Market orientation, Product innovation, Emerging market multinational, China
Institutional theory, Resource-based view of the firm, Market maturity, Intellectual property rights, Cultural distance, Absorptive capability
China, Confucianism, Benevolence, Courage, Negotiation, Personality
National innovative capacity, International trade, Foreign direct investment, Intellectual property, Patents