Houghton Street
London WC2A 2AE, WC2A 2AE
United Kingdom
London School of Economics - Law School
patents, vaccines, trade secrets, COVID-19, TRIPS
TRIPS waiver, Covid-19 vaccines, vaccine equity, equitable access and production, intellectual property barriers
pharmaceutical patents, efficacy, person skilled in the art, nonobviousness, patentable invention, S 3(d)
S 3(d), pharmaceutical patents, efficacy, person skilled in the art, invention, patentable invention
Intellectual property rights, Public domain, Incentive, Property, Metamodernism
Legitimacy, Patent Office, Examination Guidelines, Textualisation, Diagnostic Methods, Swiss-use Claims, Patentability
Innovation, Patent law, Competition, Antitrust, Institutionalism, Incentive to invent
Patent system, institutions, emerging technologies, synthetic biology, person skilled in the art, inventive step, prior art, emergence, learning needs
BBNJ, Marine Genetic Resources, UNCLOS, Intellectual Property, International law
BBNJ, Oceans, High Seas, UNCLOS, Treaty-Making, Biodiversity, DSI, Marine Genetic Resources, Public International Law
Marine Genetic Resources, Law of the sea, BBNJ, Nagoya Protocol, Patents, Access, Benefit Sharing, Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction
genetic resources, marine scientific research, biodiversity, common heritage of mankind, freedom of the high seas, intellectual property, digital sequences information, benefit sharing
sufficiency, disclosure, utility, enablement, nonobviousness, breadth of claims
Patent Enforcement, SMEs, Procedural Reform, Civil Litigation Costs Review
Patents, peer-review, credence goods, biotechnology, public-private divide
Patent Enforcement, SMEs, Civil Litigation Costs Review
Pandemic Treaty, PABS, Access and Benefit Sharing, License, Pathogens of pandemic potential, monetary contributions, genetic resources
Pandemic, Pathogens, Sequence information, Intellectual Property, Licence, Benefit-sharing, Technology transfer
Access and Benefit-Sharing (ABS), Biodiversity, Biological Diversity, Capacity Building, COVID-19, Genetic Resources, Intellectual Property, Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs), IP Rights, Marine Biological Diversity of Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction (BBNJ), Marine Genetic Resources, Pandemic