Labour Law, Labour rights, labour law reforms
Women's Work, Labour Law, Unpaid Care Work, Minimum Wages, Social Security, Labour Code
Gender Transformative Evaluation, Feminist Evaluation, Social Exclusion, Participatory Evaluation
Meta Evaluation, Women's Empowerment, Gender Equity, Meta Evaluation - MGNREGA
Women's Economic Empowerment, Paid Work, MGNREGA, Child Care Provisioning, Wages, Working Conditions
Women Economic Empowerment, Childcare Provisions, Karnali Employment Programme, Gender Norms, Enterprise Development Programme
Paid and Unpaid Work, Women Economic Empowerment, MGNREGA, Child Care Facilities, Working Conditions,
MGNREGA, Women Economic Empowerment, Waged Employment, Paid and Unpaid Care Work, Conditions of Work