School of Economics
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Drexel University
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Small business activity; Sample turnover versus business openings/closings; Matching records; Paycheck Protection Program;
Term structure of interest rates, news, productivity shocks, business cycles, monetary policy
News Shocks, Term Structure, Vector Autoregression (VAR)
COVID-19; School closures and reopenings; Effective in-person learning; Inequality
COVID-19, school closures and reopenings, effective in-person learning, inequality
Economics of small and medium enterprises, Labor turnover, Sampling bias, Matched data, COVID-19, Sector policies
Downward Nominal Wage Rigidity; Administrative Worker-Firm Linked Data; Labor Cost and Employment; Great Recession
Rational Expectations, Markov Regime Shifts, Forecasting Errors, Survey of Professional Forecasters
Full-information Rational Expectations, Markov Regime Shifts, Forecasting Errors, Waves of Over- and Under-Reaction, Survey of Professional Forecasters
Capital allocation frictions, search and matching, credit frictions, business cycles, dynamic general equilibrium
Efficiency wages, Business cycles, Sticky prices, Persistence
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Efficiency wages, business cycles, sticky prices, persistence
Maximum Likelihood, Rational Expectations, New Keynesian Phillips Curve, Inflation, Real marginal cost
Maximum Likelihood, Rational Expectations, New Keynesian Phillips Curve, Inflation, Real Marginal Cost
Reciprocity, Gift exchange, Efficiency wages, Field experiment
Vector Error Correction Model, long-run restrictions, news shocks
small business activity, sample turnover versus business openings/closings, matching records, COVID-19, Paycheck Protection Program
Small business activity, Sample turnover versus business openings/closings, Matching records, Paycheck Protection Program
Wage volatility, business cycles, great moderation, current population survey, dynamic stochastic general equilibrium models
Inflation, New Keynesian pricing, real marginal cost
Unemployment Insurance, Disincentive Effects, search and matching models
Efficiency wages, Reciprocity, Estimated DSGE models
Holdup problems, trading frictions, investment, strategic bargaining
COVID-19, school closures, inequality, intergenerational persistence
COVID-19, Inequality, Intergenerational Persistence, School Closures
earnings trends, comparison of hourly earnings data, earnings volatility
Ramsey equilibrium, incomplete factor taxation
Small business activity, Sample turnover versus business openings/closings, Matching records
Efficiency wages, wage rigidity, rent-sharing, reciprocity
This is a National Bureau of Economic Research Paper. NBER charges a fee of $5.00 for this paper.
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Reciprocity, rent-sharing, efficiency wages, wage rigidity
Efficiency wages, Estimated DSGE models, Reciprocity