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Peer Effects, Field Experiments, Incentives
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Peer effects, field experiments, incentives
daycare, childcare, child development, cognitive skills, non-cognitive skills
child development, childcare, cognitive skills, daycare, non-cognitive skills
Optimal Taxation, Economics of Gender, Family Economics, Elasticity of Labor Supply
optimal taxation, economics of gender, family economics, elasticity of labor supply
economics of gender, elasticity of labour supply, family economics, optimal taxation
Probation, Employment Protection, Absenteeism, Worker Effort
Probation, employment protection, absenteeism, worker effort
Consumption, Savings, Unemployment
empirical production scheduling, multitasking, multi-armed bandits, field experiment, Italian judiciary
aging, employability, plant closures, matching
Aging, Employability, Matching, Plant Closures
absenteeism, gender differentials
Absenteeism, gender differentials
matching estimation, temporary employment
Matching estimators, temporary work agencies
Gender Wage Gap, Expectations
intergenerational mobility, public education, political institutions
Intergenerational Mobility, Political Institutions, Public Education
altruism, emancipation, job security, option value
Emancipation, job security, option value
emancipation, job security, option value
monitoring, probation, effort, asymmetric information
Monitoring, probation, effort, asymmetric information
Individual Production Function, Work Scheduling, Duration of Trials
coresidence, youth emancipation, job security
demand elasticity, consumer’s information, price competition, pharmacies, regression discontinuity
demand elasticity, consumer's information, price competition, pharmacies, regression discontinuity
social capital, migration, Italy, honesty game, experiments
firm specific human capital, plant closures, matching
Regression discontinuity, students' performance, tuition
mothers behaviour, female labour supply, preference for sons
Female labour supply, mothers' behaviour, preference for sons
integration, immigration, education
consumer's information, demand elasticity, pharmacies, price competition, regression discontinuity
individual production function, work scheduling, duration of trials
duration of trials, individual production function, work scheduling
Trust, trustworthiness, European regions, experiments
Internal labor relations, conflict resolutions, firing costs
education, immigration, integration
European regions, experiments, Trust, trustworthiness
World War II, Educational Attainment, Earnings, Self Selection