Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
Dr. Hans-Kapfinger-Straße 14b
Passau, 94032
University of Passau
in Total Papers Citations
wages, tax competition, rent-sharing, profit shifting, tax havens
wages, tax competition, rent-sharing, profit shifting, tax havens, private information
multinational firms, international outsourcing, property rights theory of the firm, ethical production, labor standards, pollution, consumer boycotts, credence goods, NGOs
corporate social responsibility, global value chains, incomplete contracts, property rights theory, GVC positioning, India, emerging markets
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campaigns, Gravity, international sourcing, international trade, NGOs, Social activism
buyer-seller, firm-to-firm, network, random matching, Trade
Exports, horizontal FDI, multinational companies, wholesale trade
international trade, international sourcing, gravity, NGOs, campaigns, social activism
Globalization, Multinationals, NGOs, Regulation