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University of Warwick
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body mass index, happiness, mental health, General Health Questionnaire, GHQ scores, BMI, well-being, obesity, BHPS, GSOEP, imitation, weight, relative income, comparisons
boredom, COVID-19, loneliness, well-being
priming, contributions, beliefs, emotional responses, public goods experiments
voting, gender, lottery wins, political preferences, income, attitudes
top income, life evaluation, well-being, income inequality, World Top Income Database, Gallup World Poll
ordered-response model, mixed-integer optimization, median regression, subjective well-being
information, expertise, gambler's fallacy, hot-hand, random streak
disability, adaptation, happiness, legal compensation, wellbeing, GHQ scores
life satisfaction, grandparenthood, grandchildren, generalized ordered probit, understanding society, happiness
voting, gender, daughters, political preferences, attitudes
coronavirus, labor market, recession, COVID-19
bereavement, damages, happiness, compensation, well-being, GHQ scores
life satisfaction, Brexit, United Kingdom, democracy
fertility, child-bearing, climate change, environment, green
life satisfaction, rational addiction, drugs, homeless, Australia, happiness
projection bias, life satisfaction, overoptimism, adaptation, wellbeing, self-employed
social media, cooperation, personality, cybercrime
inequality of opportunity, experiment, redistribution, fairness, inheritance
inheritance, fairness, redistribution, experiment, inequality of opportunity
noncognitive skills, personality traits, lottery winners, instrumental variables, unearned income
adaptation, economics and happiness, life course perspective, subjective well-being
well-being, life-satisfaction, intervention, model, life-course, emotional health, conduct, intellectual performance, success
locus of control, parental investment, human capital accumulation, early skill formation, ALSPAC
lower ranked journals, publication, judgment bias, less-is-better effect, resume
climate change, education, pro-environmental behaviours, regression discontinuity, UK
longitudinal study, subjective well-being, life-cycle happiness, U shape
resilience, adaptation, happiness, unemployment, childhood, well-being
compensation variations, monetary valuations, happiness, well-being, health, GHQ
fairness, gender identity, life satisfaction, relative income, working hours, labor supply
hypertension, compulsory schooling, biomarker, regression discontinuity, health
union coverage, union membership, job satisfaction, anticipation, adaptation, free-rider, longitudinal
permanent income, compensation variations, well-being, informal care, happiness, shadow prices
compulsory schooling, age at first marriage, regression discontinuity, human capital, family formation
social media, misrepresentation, cooperation, social dilemma, experiment
employment contract, generalized ordered probit, job satisfaction, salary, heterogeneity, work-life balance
luck, efforts, survivalship bias, redistribution, inequality, deservingness
social identity, cooperation, COVID-19, face mask, prisoners' dilemma
indirect effect, well-being, mental health, schooling, windfall income, HILDA survey
sexual orientation, sexual minorities, discrimination, life satisfaction, HILDA Survey, UKHLS
charitable giving, gender, prosocial, Japan, natural disaster, donation
hedging, happiness, social identity, wellbeing, world cup, experienced utility
income, neighborhood, friendships, unearned income, socialization effect, lottery, social ties
economic well-being, war onset, peace onset, Nepal
fairness, corporate reputation, CEO reputation, CSR, Halo effect
Asian Americans, model minority, stereotype, inequality, attention, redistribution
gambler's fallacy, hot hand, full information, altruism, random streaks, karmic investment
happiness, moral judgments, trust games, gift exchange games