Michael Galanis

University of Manchester - School of Law

United Kingdom



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Scholarly Papers (10)


The Modern Corporation Statement on Company Law

Number of pages: 4 Posted: 29 Oct 2016
Cornell Law School - Jack G. Clarke Business Law Institute (deceased), SciencesPo, University of Bristol, University of Cambridge - Centre for Business Research (CBR), Boston College Law School, Warwick Law School, University of Kent - Kent Law School, Vanderbilt University - Law School, University of York - York Law School, Queen Mary University of London - School of Law, Queen Mary, University of London, (CCLS), Washington and Lee University - School of Law, University of Oslo - Faculty of Law, University of Bristol, Indiana University Maurer School of Law, University of Essex - School of Law, University of York (UK), University of Michigan, Stephen M. Ross School of Business, University of Manchester - School of Law, The Business School, University of Colorado Denver, University of Leeds - School of Law, University College London - Faculty of Laws, Deakin University, Geelong, Australia - Deakin Law School, University of Waikato - Management School, The University of Hong Kong - School of Business, University of Leeds, University of Georgia School of Law, University of California, Davis - School of Law, Hofstra University College of Law, University of Technology, Sydney, Washington and Lee University - School of Law, University of Brescia, Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz, University of British Columbia (UBC), Faculty of Law, University of Victoria - Faculty of Law, Case Western Reserve University School of Law, Seyfarth Shaw LLP, Audencia School of Management, University of California, Berkeley - School of Law, INSEAD, Alvares Penteado School of Business (Fecap), Independent, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM) - Colegio Universitario de Estudios Financieros (CUNEF)Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM) - Colegio Universitario de Estudios Financieros (CUNEF), Université Grenoble Alpes, São Paulo Law School of Fundação Getulio Vargas FGV DIREITO SP, University of Glasgow, Griffith University Law School, Hofstra University - Maurice A. Deane School of Law, University of South Australia, University of Greenwich - School of Law, Queen's University Belfast - School of Law, Independent, City University London - The Business SchoolCardiff Business School, Nyenrode Business university and UN Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression
Downloads 3,119 (8,363)
Citation 7



Company, Law, Corporate, Governance


The Globalization of Corporate Governance

Number of pages: 31 Posted: 14 May 2011
Alan J. Dignam and Michael Galanis
Queen Mary University of London - School of Law and University of Manchester - School of Law
Downloads 984 (48,806)



Varieties of Capitalism, End of history, Law matters, Financial crisis, Trade, Economic history, Banking crisis, Superiority, Globalization, corporate governance, convergence, Comparative, institutional analysis, insider, outsider, stakeholder, Germany, UK, United States, Law Reform, corporate law

Australia Inside/Out: The Corporate Governance System of the Australian Listed Market

Melbourne Univeristy Law Review, Vol. 28, No. 3, December 2004, The University of Manchester Legal Research Paper Series No. Forthcoming
Number of pages: 29 Posted: 20 May 2011 Last Revised: 05 Jul 2022
Alan J. Dignam and Michael Galanis
Queen Mary University of London - School of Law and University of Manchester - School of Law
Downloads 441 (135,285)
Citation 1



corporate governance, law reform, listed companies, Australia, outsider system, insider system, share ownership patterns, shareholders, institutional investor activism, private rent extraction, market for corporate control, information flow

Australia Inside/Out: The Corporate Governance System of the Australian Listed Market

Melbourne University Law Review, Vol. 28, No. 3, pp. 623-653, December 2004
Posted: 12 Sep 2005
Alan J. Dignam and Michael Galanis
Queen Mary University of London - School of Law and University of Manchester - School of Law



Australian corporate governance, insider system, outsider system, ownership and control, Australian listed companies, convergence, corporate reform, takeovers, disclosure, la porta, concentrated ownership, institutional investors

Corporate Governance and the Importance of Macroeconomic Context.

Oxford Journal of Legal Studies. Vol. 28, No. 2, Summer, pp. 201–243, Summer 2008, The University of Manchester Legal Research Paper Series No. Forthcoming
Number of pages: 84 Posted: 20 May 2011 Last Revised: 08 Jul 2022
Alan J. Dignam and Michael Galanis
Queen Mary University of London - School of Law and University of Manchester - School of Law
Downloads 166 (368,896)
Citation 1



Corporate governance, insider system, outsider system, ownership and control, listed companies, convergence, corporate reform, takeovers, disclosure, la porta, concentrated ownership, institutional investors, self-regulation, trade liberalization, finance, Macro-economic, Germany, France

Corporate Governance and the Importance of Macroeconomic Context

Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, Vol. 28, Issue 2, pp. 201-243, 2008
Posted: 02 Jul 2008
Alan J. Dignam and Michael Galanis
Queen Mary University of London - School of Law and University of Manchester - School of Law




Corporate Law Coasting in Neutral: From Egalitarianism, to Sustainability, to Extinction?

Forthcoming in Christopher Bruner and Marc Moore (eds), A Research Agenda for Corporate Law (Edward Elgar 2023), The University of Manchester Legal Research Paper Series No. Forthcoming
Number of pages: 22 Posted: 13 Jul 2022 Last Revised: 09 May 2023
Michael Galanis
University of Manchester - School of Law
Downloads 116 (492,112)



corporate law, sustainability, degrowth


Corporate Purpose Swings as a Social, A-theoretical Process: Will the Pendulum Break?

Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, 2024 [10.1093/ojls/gqae019], Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, 2024 [10.1093/ojls/gqae019], https://doi.org/10.1093/ojls/gqae019
Posted: 30 May 2024
Michael Galanis
University of Manchester - School of Law



corporate law, corporate purpose, sustainability, capitalism, democracy, degrowth


Corporate Law Versus Social Autonomy: Law as Social Hazard

Law and Critique, 32, pages 1–32 (2021), DOI: 10.1007/s10978-020-09267-7, The University of Manchester Legal Research Paper Series No. Forthcoming
Posted: 19 Jun 2020 Last Revised: 15 Jul 2022
Michael Galanis
University of Manchester - School of Law



Bureaucracy, Capitalism, Corporate Law, Managerial-ism, Social Autonomy


Growth and the Lost Legitimacy of Business Organisation: Time to Abandon Corporate Law Reform

Journal of Corporate Law Studies, Forthcoming, DOI.org/10.1080/14735970.2019.1679418, The University of Manchester Legal Research Paper Series No. Forthcoming
Posted: 14 Nov 2019 Last Revised: 05 Jul 2022
Michael Galanis
University of Manchester - School of Law



Corporate law, business organisation, economic growth, bureaucracy, managerial capitalism


The Impact of EMU on Corporate Governance: Bargaining in Austerity

Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, Vol. 33, No. 3, Autumn 2013, The University of Manchester Legal Research Paper Series No. Forthcoming
Posted: 28 Jul 2013 Last Revised: 05 Jul 2022
Michael Galanis
University of Manchester - School of Law



corporate governance, macroeconomics, corporate law, bargaining power


Vicious Spirals in Corporate Governance: Mandatory Rules for Systemic (Re)Balancing?

Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, Vol. 31, No. 2, pp. 327-363, 2011, The University of Manchester Legal Research Paper Series No. Forthcoming
Posted: 09 Jun 2011 Last Revised: 05 Jul 2022
Michael Galanis
University of Manchester - School of Law



corporate governance, contractual governance, company law