Kerwa Dam Road
Bangalore, 560001, MD Madhya Pradesh 462044
National Law Institute University (NLIU), Bhopal
anticipation, new invention, novelty, inventive step, non-obviousness, person skilled in the art, prior art, Supreme Court of India
Utilitarian Theory, Publici Juris , The Trade Marks Act, 1999, Theoretical Underpinnings, Supreme Court ofIndia, Ratiocination, Intellectual Property, Common Law, Equity, Consimili Casu, Unwary Purchaser, Consumer Welfare, Trademark Monopoly, Trademark Trafficking, Public Policy, Commercial Morality
Supreme Court of India, IP Statutes, IP Case Law, Principles of IP Law, Law Declared, Copyright, Trade Marks
Design Law, Supreme Court of India, Law Declared, Article 141, The Constitution of India, The Designs Act,1911, The Designs Act, 1957, Int erpretation-Construction, Constructed Meaning, Principles, Bench, Decisions,Dissenting, Concurring, New, Original, Registration, Cancellation, Transfer of Suit
Trademark, Supreme Court of India, Law Declared, Article 141, The Constitution of India, The Trade Marks Act 1940, The Trade and Merchandise Marks Act, 1958, The Trade Marks Act, 1999, Bench, Decisions, Dissenting, Concurring, Principles, Interpretation-Construction, Unwary Purchaser, Principles
Trademark, Supreme Court of India, Law Declared, Article 141, The Constitution of India, The Trade MarksAct, 1940, The Trade and Merchandise Marks Act, 1958, The Trade Marks Act, 1999, Decisions, Constructed Meaning, Principles, Bench, Unanimous, Concurring, Dissenting, Interpretation-Construction
Labour Theory, Utilitarian Theory, Natural Right Theory, The Copyright Act, 1957, The Copyright Rules 1958, The Copyright Rules 2013, The Designs Act, 2000, Per Incuriam, Theoretical Underpinnings, The Constitution of India, Article 145(3), Supreme Court of India, Presumption of Constitutionality
Patent, Supreme Court of India, Law Declared, The Indian Patents and Designs Act, 1911, The Patents Act, 1970, Bench, Article 141, Constitution of India, Intended Meaning, Constructed Meaning, Constituent Assembly Debate, Infringement, Revocation, License, Pre-grant
COVID-19 pandemic, pharmaceutical products, intellectual property rights, TRIPS, waiver proposal, WHO, WIPO, WTO
Dialectics, Biodiversity, Intellectual Property, IPvization, Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights, Biodiversity Rules, Biological Diversity Act, National Biodiversity Authority, Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers‘ Rights Authority