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Duke University and NBER
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Dynamic strategies, mean-variance optimization, multiperiod choice, efficient frontier, buy-and-hold investment
Uncertainty shocks, Reallocation, Growth
Asset volatility, Correlation, Cash Flows, Risk Premia, Fundamental Values
Asset Pricing Theory, Asset Pricing - Empirical, Asset Pricing - Equilibrium Models
Macroeconomic Announcement Premium, Pre-FOMC Announcement Drift, Asymmetric Information, Ambiguity.
Regime switching, term structure of interest rate, reprojection, efficient method of moments
Sample Selectivity, Sovereign Risk, Peso Problem, World CAPM.
Term Structure of Interest Rates, Yield Curve, Regime Switching, Risk Premium, Expectation Hypothesis, Business Cycle, Efficient Method of Moments, EMM
Information, Macroeconomic Announcements, Generalized Risk Sensitivity, FOMC announcements
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Portfolio Allocation, Hedging Demand, Asset Pricing, Production, Equity Markets, Housing
Long Run Risks, Cointegration, aggregate dividends
preference for early resolution of uncertainty, generalized risk sensitivity, macroeconomic announcements, volatility
Learning, confidence risk, asset price dynamics
Recursive utility, learning, asset price jumps
G1, G12
This is a CEPR Discussion Paper. CEPR charges a fee of $8.00 for this paper.
Credibility, dynamic general equilibrium model, international CAPM, sample selectivity, peso problems
announcement premium, generalized risk sensitivity, production