Northampton Square
London, EC1V OHB
United Kingdom
The City Law School, City, University of London
in Total Papers Downloads
foreign direct investment, cyber attacks, cyber crimes, bilateral investment treaties, arbitration, internet security
WTO, Foreign Direct Investment, Public Interest, Developing States
international investment law, alternative dispute settlement, international dispute settlement, mediation
investment arbitration, investor-state dispute settlement, international arbitration, Brexit
investment, environmental assessment, environmental impact statements, public participation, bilateral investment treaties, development, development banks
Space Law, Mars, Property
Investment, Remedies, Arbitration, ICSID
WTO, Remedies, Contract
procurement, WTO, CETA, international trade
Investment arbitration, WTO, public interest, investment treaties, general exceptions
Consumer Contract, Unfair Contract Terms, International Arbitration, Compulsory Arbitration Clauses
CPTPP, UK, trade, FTAs, regionalism
International economic law, WTO, international investment law, international investment arbitration, IMF, World Bank
international arbitration, investment arbitration, ICSID
WTO, Health, SPS/TBT, Risk
investment arbitration, game theory, minimax solution, international investment law
startups, intellectual property, business organizations, legal advice, technology
WTO, Subsidies, Fair Trade
international investment law, investment arbitration, law and economics, behavioural economics
government procurement, WTO, subsidies, offsets, TRIMs Agreement, investment treaties
WTO, Procurement, GPA, Canada
WTO, Dispute Settlement, Fact Finding, Evidence
investment, arbitration, cost benefit analysis, economic analysis
WTO, Procurement, Canada, GPA
Contract, Mistake of Law, Settlement Agreements
Class Actions, Group Claims, Legal Aid, Costs
WTO, GATS, Banking
International Investment Law, Investment Treaty Arbitration, Law and Literature
WTO, subsidies, behavioral economics, omission bias