Stockton Road
The Palatine Centre
Durham, County Durham DH1 3LE
United Kingdom
Durham University - Law School
Big data, competition, antitrust, online platforms, economics of privacy, data protection, consumer law, targeted advertising
EU competition law, history of EU competition law, legal history and interpretation of Article 101 and 102 TFEU, Founding Treaty ECSC, Treaty of Rome, Schuman Plan
Google, abuse of dominance, Article 102, online commerce, advertisement, anti-trust law, behavioural economics
consumer rights, Directive 2011/83/EU, common competition rules, unfair contracts
EU Competition Law, EU Anti-trust Law, Mergers, High-technology markets, Data-Driven Mergers
global platforms, online competition, dominance, behavioural discrimination, transnational corporations
Article 102 TFEU, EU competition law, policy goals, Lisbon Treaty, fair competition, German competition law
EU Cartels, Article 101 TFEU, EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, Article 6 ECHR, Competition Law
EU competition law, concept of abuse, dominance, competition on the merits, Intel, undistorted competition
EC Commission's Guidance Paper on ex Article 82 EC now 102 TFEU, German competition law
antitrust damages, Directive 2014/104/EU, disclosure of evidence, European competition law
EU competition law, unfair pricing, Article 102 TFEU
exclusionary and exploitative consumer data abuse, digital monopolies, digital conglomerate mergers and acquisitions, algorithmic discrimination, consumer data combinations
Competition, Digital Markets, Big Data Analytics, Consumer Harm
competition, banking, corporate, financial, contract, social, crisis, European Union, law, policy, too-big-to-fail
EU competition law, administrative law, EU mergers, EU Merger Control Regulation 139/2004, Implementing Merger Control Regulation 1269/2013
Abuse of a dominant position, Digital Markets Act 2022, unfair practices, antitrust law, competition law
competition policy, antitrust, mergers, employment, jobs, inequality
EU law, competition law, free movement of goods and services
rebates, EU competition law
margin squeeze cases, essential facilities, EU competition law
Competition policy, employment, efficiency, social market economy, mergers
fair competition law, SEPA rules, terms and conditions of contracts, Article 102, Unfair Terms Directive
EU competition law, Article 102 TFEU, German, Romanian competition law, abuse of dominant position, fair competition
concurenţa comercială, articolul 102 TFUE, proprietate industrială, concurenţa loială, sectorul ITC, EU competition law
German competition law, Act against Restraints of Competition (GWB), EU competition law, abuse of dominance
competition law, digital markets, antitrust law
Romanian competition law, abuse of dominance, abusive practices, EU competition law
goals of competition law
competition law, antitrust, abuse of a dominant position, Google Android
access to essential facilities, margin squeeze, EU and German competition law
The UK's Withdrawal Agreement from the EU; competition and trade; state aid; Protocol on Northern Ireland
UK Competition Law, Brexit Inquiry, Competition Policy