1000 Regent University Drive
Virginia Beach, VA 23464
United States
Regent University - School of Law
learning style, pedagogy, generation X, generation Y, empirical, learning outcomes, Kolb learning style instrument
due process, substantive due process, Constitution, parental rights, freedom of religion, curriculum
learning styles, diversity, legal education, pedagogy, Socratic teaching, experiential learning, active learning
laptops, learning styles, learning theory, law school pedagogy
environment, oil spill, oil pollution, strict liability, criminal enforcement, Clean Water Act, refuse Act, Migratory Bird Treaty Act
parental rights, sex education, public school curricula, abstinence-only sex education, comprehensive sex education, condom distribution
Parental rights, school choice, private schools, state regulation
de facto parent, psychological parent, foster parent, parental rights, federalism, Supreme Court
Environment, Public Policy, CERCLA, Cost Recovery, Contribution, Private Remedies, Supreme Court
hazardous waste, Superfund, private cost recovery, claims settlement
freedom of information, right of access, public awareness, public participation, environmental regulation, European Union
Parental Rights, Gender Ideology, Constitution, History, Education, Fundamental Rights