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New Haven, CT 06511
Yale Law School
in Total Papers Downloads
lie detection, polygraph, memory, deception, evidence, neuroscience, law and neuroscience, neurolaw, brain, brain imaging, brain scan, neuroimaging, functional magnetic resonance imaging, fMRI, behavioral biology, cognitive neuroscience, cognitive psychology
law and neuroscience, psychology, neurolaw, criminal responsibility, tort liability, evidence, brain, memory, injury, emotion, lie detection, judging, psychopathy, fMRI, EEG, decision making, neuroethics, bioethics, punishment, sentencing
evidence, G2i, group-to-individual inference, neuroscience, neurolaw, law and neuroscience, brain, brain imaging
mens rea, criminal law, mental states, responsibility, culpability, punishment, neuroscience, Model Penal Code, knowing, reckless, fMRI, brain, brain states, brain imaging, brain scan, decision making, cognitive, psychology, neurolaw, law and neuroscience, cognitive
law and neuroscience, criminal law, mental state, punishment, crime, blame, culpability, mens rea, Model Penal Code, MPC, knowledge, recklessness, responsibility, intention, brain, brain imaging, brain scan, neuroimaging, neuroscience, functional magnetic resonance imaging, fMRI, neurolaw
Overcriminalization, Douglas Husak, Gideon Yaffe