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P.O. Box 7240
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Colgate University - Economics Department
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executive compensation, firm performance, corporate governance, ownership structure, China, and transition economies
Teams, Productivity, High Performance Work Practices, Employee Participation, Human Resource Management Practices
Employee Ownership, Producer Cooperatives, Labor Managed Firm, Productive Efficiency, Mondragon
executive turnover, firm performance, corporate governance, ownership structure, China, and transition economies
work-life balance, performance-related pay, pay for performance, HRM practices, gender equality, gender diversity, Japan
pay for performance, incentive pay, family-friendly practices, work-life balance, high performance work system, management practices, gender pay gap, gender diversity in the labor market, promotion tournament, rat races, corporate social responsibility
executive compensation, corporate governance, Korea, and Chaebol
employee ownership, producer cooperatives, labor managed firm, productive efficiency, Mondragon, shared capitalism
executive compensation, corporate governance, and Korea
executive turnover, firm performance, enterprise reform, corporate governance, ownership structure, China, and transition economies
working hours, promotion, rat race, adverse selection, and the gender gap
long-term employment, job security, Great Recession, Lost Decade, Japan and the U.S.
competitive pressure, continuous improvement, discrete innovation, field research, location model, product substitutability, small group activities, technical progress
job quality, good jobs, bad jobs, Great Recession, Lost Decade, Japan
employee turnover, workplace conditions, human resource management, high-involvement work system, high-performance work system
profit sharing, employee stock ownership, team incentive, stock option, productivity, Korea
task coordination, HRM systems, teams
high performance work practices, employee voice, Korea, Japan
knowledge sharing, performance spillovers, social network
tournaments, managerial incentives, ownership structure, China, transition economies
human capital, career development, occupations, internal promotion, external recruitment, top management
econometric case study, quality, teams, productivity, employee involvement
earnings, tenure, seniority, performance, human capital, agency, employee ownership
skilled immigration, H-1B visa, college education, SAT scores
employee stock ownership, shared capitalism, group incentive, productivity, Tobin's Q, managerial entrenchment
rat race, working hours, promotions, top management appointments, human capital, job assignment, adverse selection, tournament
labor market outcomes, academic outcomes, advising, gender congruence, higher education
social networks, coworker effects in the workplace, intergroup competition
female employment, labor market deregulation, natural experiment, overtime restriction on women, Labor Standards Law
short-time work, short-time compensation, worksharing, employment adjustment, firm performance
performance pay and productivity
performance pay, worker separation, job mobility, earnings inequality
High Involvement Work System, High Performance Work System, employee participation
Working Time Regulations, Overtime, Wages, Employment, Subjective Well-being, Gender, Japan, Work Style Reform
working time regulations, overtime, wages, employment, subjective well-being, gender, Japan, work style reform
employee representation, corporate governance, hiring practices, internal labor markets, management jobs
CEO compensation, executive compensation, corporate governance, and Japan
employee participation, employee involvement, works councils; QC, problem solving teams, unions, Korea