Piazza Scaravilli 2
Bologna, 40100
University of Bologna
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daycare, childcare, child development, cognitive skills, non-cognitive skills
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child development, childcare, cognitive skills, daycare, non-cognitive skills
recreational marijuana, cannabis, crime
online job search assistance, search skills, active labor market policy
breast cancer, social interactions, information aversion
Senior’s labor supply, Grandparents, Child care
life cycle, wage profile, labor supply, intensive margin, human capital, pre-retirement
altruism, bequests, inheritance tax, gift tax, house prices
anti-fascism, right-wing parties, political preferences, voting behavior
grandparents, labor supply, child care
culture, World Values Survey, development
regression discontinuity, multiple cutoffs, normalizing-and-pooling
multiple cutoffs, Normalizing-and-Pooling, Regression Discontinuity