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phosphorus recovery, acid-base leaching, MINTEQ, NMR, dry sludge, aluminium hydroxide
Keywords: Municipal solid waste (MSW), Incineration bottom ash (IBA), Heavy Metals, Recycle assessment, Construction materials.
pyrolysis, Biochar, acid leaching, alkaline leaching, NMR
biodegradable plastic, deep sea, plastic accumulation, foil pack, polymer degradation
Life cycle assessment (LCA), life cycle cost (LCC), construction and demolition waste (C&DW), Topsis, AHP
Phosphorus recovery, heavy metal, hydrothermal treatment, solid-state NMR, sequential extraction, biochar
solid waste research, bibliometric analysis, natural language processing, socioeconomic status, global environmental events
chelated MSWI fly ash, chlorine corrosion, heavy metal leaching, destabilization mechanism, long-short term memory
seismic wave, standard penetration test, geochemical, Landfill, cementation