Markus Harboe Olsen

University of Copenhagen - Copenhagen University Hospital







Scholarly Papers (4)


Adverse Events in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Relaxation Training for Children and Adolescents with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: A Mixed Methods Study and Analysis Plan for the TECTO Trial

Number of pages: 20 Posted: 07 Feb 2023
Copenhagen University - Child and Adolescent Mental Health Centre, Copenhagen University - Child and Adolescent Mental Health Centre, University of Copenhagen - Mental Health Centre Ballerup, Copenhagen University - Child and Adolescent Mental Health Centre, Copenhagen University - Child and Adolescent Mental Health Centre, Copenhagen University - Child and Adolescent Mental Health Centre, Copenhagen University - Child and Adolescent Mental Health Centre, Copenhagen University - Child and Adolescent Mental Health Centre, Copenhagen University - Child and Adolescent Mental Health Centre, Copenhagen University - Child and Adolescent Mental Health Centre, Copenhagen University - Child and Adolescent Mental Health Centre, University of Copenhagen - Copenhagen University Hospital, Technical University of Denmark, University of Copenhagen - Copenhagen University Hospital, Copenhagen University Hospital - Copenhagen Trial Unit, Aarhus University - Aarhus University Hospital, Copenhagen University - Child and Adolescent Mental Health Centre, Copenhagen University - Child and Adolescent Mental Health Centre, Karolinska Institutet - Centre for Psychiatry Research, Copenhagen University - Child and Adolescent Mental Health Centre, Copenhagen University - Child and Adolescent Mental Health Centre, Aarhus University - Aarhus University Hospital, Copenhagen University - Child and Adolescent Mental Health Centre, Copenhagen University - Child and Adolescent Mental Health Centre, University of Copenhagen and University of Copenhagen
Downloads 57 (746,289)



adverse effects, obsessive-compulsive disorder, cognitive behavioral therapy, Child, Adolescent


Mapping Physical Activity Patterns in Hospitalised Patients with Moderate and Severe Acquired Brain Injury - MAP-ABI: Protocol for an Observational Study

Number of pages: 18 Posted: 21 Mar 2023
University of Copenhagen - The Neuroscience Centre, University of Copenhagen - The Neuroscience Centre, University of Copenhagen - The Neuroscience Centre, University of Copenhagen - Copenhagen University Hospital and University of Copenhagen - The Neuroscience Centre
Downloads 32 (939,403)



Accelerometry, Brain injuries, Inpatients, Mobility Limitation, Neurological rehabilitation, Observational study, Physical activity, Physical inactivity, Sedentary behavior


Emotion Dysregulation in Youths with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and Its Implication for Treatment - An Exploratory Study from the TECTO Trial: A Protocol and Statistical Analysis Plan

Number of pages: 25 Posted: 14 Aug 2024
Copenhagen University - Child and Adolescent Mental Health Centre, Copenhagen University - Child and Adolescent Mental Health Centre, Copenhagen University - Child and Adolescent Mental Health Centre, Copenhagen University - Child and Adolescent Mental Health Centre, Copenhagen University - Child and Adolescent Mental Health Centre, Copenhagen University Hospital - Copenhagen Trial Unit, University of Copenhagen - Copenhagen University Hospital, Copenhagen University Hospital - Copenhagen Trial Unit, University of Copenhagen and University of Copenhagen - Copenhagen University Hospital
Downloads 21 (1,070,076)



obsessive compulsive disorder, cognitive behavioral therapy, emotion regulation, protocol, statistical analysis plan


Patient-Tailored Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Versus Sham to Improve Stroke Rehabilitation – an Updated Protocol and Detailed Statistical Analysis Plan for the Randomised Practise Feasibility and Pilot Trial

Number of pages: 22 Posted: 29 Aug 2024
Herlev Hospital, University of Copenhagen - Copenhagen University Hospital, University of Copenhagen - Department of Neurology, Copenhagen University Hospital - Copenhagen Trial Unit, affiliation not provided to SSRN, Rigshospitalet Glostrup, affiliation not provided to SSRN and Herlev Hospital
Downloads 17 (1,119,265)



Stroke rehabilitation, feasibility, upper-extremity disability, transcranial direct current stimulation