Belfast, BT7 1NN
United Kingdom
Queen's University Belfast - School of Law
human rights, United Nations, international law, special procedures, UN, international human rights law, special rapporteurs, Human Rights Council, Commission on Human Rights, OHCHR
human rights, international human rights law, right to science, right to respect for private life, right to know, reproductive rights, reproductive health, reproductive justice, Assisted Reproductive Technology, ART, population, family, bioethics
AIDS, HIV/AIDS, crisis, human rights, international law, law, ARVs
ART, European Court of Human Rights, bioethics, international human rights law
UN Special Procedures, UN Special Rapporteurs, right to health, health, underlying determinants of health, human rights–based approach (HRBA), global health
human rights; right to health; economic and social rights; global health law
human rights, ethics, science, law
Regulation, Health Technologies
regulation, health, technology
health, regulation, technology, emerging technologies