Jennifer Anglim Kreder

Northern Kentucky University - Salmon P. Chase College of Law

Nunn Hall

Highland Heights, KY 41099

United States



Rank 10,629


Top 10,629

in Total Papers Downloads




Scholarly Papers (49)


Legal and Ethical Problems in Art Restitution

Number of pages: 29 Posted: 18 Feb 2020
Jennifer Anglim Kreder, Monica Dugot, Thomas R. Kline and Lucille A. Roussin
Northern Kentucky University - Salmon P. Chase College of Law, Christie's, Andrews Kurth LLP and affiliation not provided to SSRN
Downloads 922 (53,454)



Nazi, Antiquity, Antiquities, Dugot, Kline, Roussin, Kreder, Ethics, Restitution, Art, Antique, Antiques


The Holocaust, Museum Ethics and Legalism

Southern California Review of Law and Social Justice, Vol. 18, pp. 1-43, 2008
Number of pages: 43 Posted: 18 Feb 2020
Jennifer Anglim Kreder
Northern Kentucky University - Salmon P. Chase College of Law
Downloads 601 (93,765)



Nazi, Holocaust, WWII, World War II, Auschwitz, Birkenau, Museum, Jew, Jewish, Jews, Mengele, Poland, Restitution, Reparation, Moral, Morality, Ethics, Ethical, Cultural Property, Culture, Cultural, Utilitarian, Merryman, ICOM, International Council of Museums, Polish


The Choice between Civil and Criminal Remedies in Stolen Art Litigation

Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law, Vol. 38, pp. 1199-1252, October 2005
Number of pages: 54 Posted: 26 Feb 2020
Jennifer Anglim Kreder
Northern Kentucky University - Salmon P. Chase College of Law
Downloads 526 (110,834)



Art, Nazi, WWII, Holocaust, Antiquity, Antiquities, Cultural, Civil Forfeiture, Looted, Stolen, NSPA, CAFRA, Criminal, Litigation, Prosecution, Remedies, Remedy


Federal Holocaust-Era Art Cases Filed by Survivors & Heirs Since Austria Returned Klimts to Ms. Altmann in 2006

Number of pages: 6 Posted: 14 Jul 2010 Last Revised: 24 Nov 2021
Jennifer Anglim Kreder
Northern Kentucky University - Salmon P. Chase College of Law
Downloads 466 (128,159)



Nazi, Holocaust, WWII, Art, Altmann, Grosz, Bakalar, Judicial Bias, Historical Claims, History, Historical


The New Battleground of Museum Ethics and Holocaust Era Claims: Technicalities Trumping Justice or Responsible Stewardship for the Public Trust?

Oregon Law Review, Vol. 88, No. 1, p. 37, 2009
Number of pages: 58 Posted: 28 May 2009 Last Revised: 09 Jun 2010
Jennifer Anglim Kreder
Northern Kentucky University - Salmon P. Chase College of Law
Downloads 413 (147,856)



Nazi, Nazis, Holocaust, Declaratory, Eizenstat, Prague, Looted, Stolen Art, Forced Sale, Washington Principles, Conflicts, Choice of Law, Restitution, Reparation, Reparations, Jew, Jews, Jewish, World War II, WWII, Cultural Property, Heritage, Cultural Heritage, Genocide, Museum, AA


Analysis of the Holocaust Expropriated Art Recovery Act of 2016

20 Chapman Law Review 1, 2017
Number of pages: 25 Posted: 27 Oct 2016 Last Revised: 21 Jul 2017
Jennifer Anglim Kreder
Northern Kentucky University - Salmon P. Chase College of Law
Downloads 357 (174,040)



Holocaust, Stolen Art, Cultural Theft, Expropriated Art, Holocaust Expropriated Art Recovery Act, HEAR Act, Nazi-Looted Art


Reconciling Individual and Group Justice With the Need for Repose in Nazi-Looted Art Disputes: Creation of an International Tribunal

Brooklyn Law Review, Vol. 73, December 2007
Number of pages: 62 Posted: 26 Feb 2020
Jennifer Anglim Kreder
Northern Kentucky University - Salmon P. Chase College of Law
Downloads 333 (187,668)



Nazi, WWII, looted, art, stolen art, provenance, tribunal, international


A Nazi-Looted Art Tribunal

World Arbitration and Mediation Review, Vol. 1, No. 5, pp. 693-700, December 2007
Number of pages: 10 Posted: 26 Feb 2020
Jennifer Anglim Kreder
Northern Kentucky University - Salmon P. Chase College of Law
Downloads 308 (203,982)



Nazi, WWII, Cultural Property, Art, Tribunal, International, Holocaust


Essay Upon Reading War and Cultural Heritage: An Analysis of the 1954 Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict and its Two Protocols, by Kevin Chamberlain

14 Media and Arts Law Review 1 (2009)
Number of pages: 13 Posted: 27 Aug 2009
Jennifer Anglim Kreder
Northern Kentucky University - Salmon P. Chase College of Law
Downloads 292 (215,841)



Hague Convention, 1954 convention, cultural property, international law, Kreder, art law


U.S. Museums' Use of Declaratory Judgment Actions in Nazi-Looted Art Disputes

ART, CULTURAL INSTITUTIONS AND HERITAGE LAW NEWSLETTER, International Bar Association Legal Practice, pp. 7-8, Division, London, England, October 2007
Number of pages: 3 Posted: 12 Jul 2007 Last Revised: 28 Oct 2007
Jennifer Anglim Kreder
Northern Kentucky University - Salmon P. Chase College of Law
Downloads 289 (218,263)



Nazi, Holocaust, Toledo, Ullin, Detroit, declaratory, quiet title, WWII, Nathan, van gogh, gaugin, AAMD, Orkin, Taylor, mauthner, ICOM


Behind Italy's Recent Successes in Cultural Patrimony Recovery

ART & CULTURAL HERITAGE NEWSLETTER, American Bar Association, Chicago, Illinois, Winter 2008
Number of pages: 4 Posted: 21 Nov 2007 Last Revised: 30 Sep 2009
Jennifer Anglim Kreder
Northern Kentucky University - Salmon P. Chase College of Law
Downloads 265 (238,356)



Italy, art, culture, cultural, property, cultural property, patrimony, cultural patrimony


Cultural Property, Law and Ethics

Yearbook of Cultural Property Law, Chapter 1, 2009
Number of pages: 21 Posted: 22 Dec 2009 Last Revised: 01 Jun 2011
Jennifer Anglim Kreder
Northern Kentucky University - Salmon P. Chase College of Law
Downloads 251 (251,830)



Italy, art, culture, cultural, property, cultural property, patrimony, cultural patrimony, Nazi, WWII, Cultural Property, Art, International, Holocaust, Looted Art, Kreder, Restitution, Nazi-Looted Art


The 'Public Trust'

18 University of Pennsylvania Journal of Constitutional Law 1425 (2016)
Number of pages: 54 Posted: 25 Jan 2015 Last Revised: 26 Oct 2016
Jennifer Anglim Kreder
Northern Kentucky University - Salmon P. Chase College of Law
Downloads 249 (253,898)



Religion, Religious Test, Article VI, Constitution, Public Trust, Environment, Environmental, Museum, Tax, History, Non-Profit, Not-for-Profit, Trust, Fiduciary, Legislative Interpretation, Constitutional Interpretation, Legislative Construction, Constitutional Construction, Founding Fathers, Tax


Fighting Corruption of the Historical Record: Nazi-Looted Art Litigation

Vol. 61 Kansas Law Review 75 (2012-2013)
Number of pages: 64 Posted: 26 Feb 2020
Jennifer Anglim Kreder
Northern Kentucky University - Salmon P. Chase College of Law
Downloads 221 (284,999)



Iqbal, Twombley, Twombly, Nazi, Holocaust, plausible, art, loot, looting, theft, common sense, judges, history, historical record, historian, historians, judge, judicial decision making, decision, decision-making, decision making, psychology, motion to dismiss, motions to dismiss, limitation


The Revolution in U.S. Museums Concerning the Ethics of Acquiring Antiquities

University of Miami Law Review, Vol. 64, 2009
Number of pages: 34 Posted: 10 Nov 2009 Last Revised: 17 Jun 2010
Jennifer Anglim Kreder
Northern Kentucky University - Salmon P. Chase College of Law
Downloads 207 (303,155)



taly, art, culture, cultural, property, cultural property, patrimony, cultural patrimony, Nazi, WWII, Cultural Property, Art, International, Holocaust, Looted Art, Kreder, Restitution, Nazi-Looted Art


Litigation Finance Ethics: Paying Interest

2013 J. Prof. Law. 1 (2013)
Number of pages: 36 Posted: 28 Mar 2011 Last Revised: 06 Sep 2013
Jennifer Anglim Kreder and Benjamin A. Bauer
Northern Kentucky University - Salmon P. Chase College of Law and Northern Kentucky University - Salmon P. Chase College of Law
Downloads 205 (305,942)



Litigation Financing, Legal Ethics



Jentsch, Lowry, AAMD, AAM, MoMA, Nazi, Holocaust, Loot, Executive, Separation of Powers, History, Historical, Flight Art, ADR, 408, Flight Art, German, Germany, Austria, Grosz, ALIU, Art Looting Investigation Unit, Red Flag Name, Jew, Nuremberg, Washington Principles, Vilnius, Terezin, Eizenstat


The New Battleground of Museum Ethics and Holocaust Era Claims: Technicalities Trumping Justice or Responsible Stewardship for the Public Trust? - Appendix A - Statute Only

Oregon Law Review, Vol. 88, No. 1, 2009
Number of pages: 10 Posted: 18 Feb 2020
Jennifer Anglim Kreder
Northern Kentucky University - Salmon P. Chase College of Law
Downloads 195 (320,432)



Nazi, Nazis, Holocaust, Declaratory, Eizenstat, Prague, Looted, Stolen Art, Forced Sale, Washington Principles, Conflicts, Choice of Law, Restitution, Reparation, Reparations, Jew, Jews, Jewish, World War II, WWII, Cultural Property, Heritage, Cultural Heritage, Genocide, Museum, AAM, AAMD


Crossroads in the Great Race: Moving Beyond the International Race to Judgment in Disputes Over Artwork and Other Chattels

Harvard International Law Journal, Vol. 45, No. 1, p. 239, Winter 2004
Number of pages: 64 Posted: 13 Apr 2006 Last Revised: 30 Sep 2009
Jennifer Anglim Kreder
Northern Kentucky University - Salmon P. Chase College of Law
Downloads 169 (364,305)



Art, artwork, Nazi, chattel, cultural patrimony, cultural property, cultural, culture, museum, gallery, jurisdiction, forum, enforce, enforcement, judgment, res judicata, limitation, civil, lex situs, choice of law, conflicts of law, international law, comity, abstention


Book Review of Art as Plunder: The Ancient Origins of Debate About Cultural Property

American Journal of Legal History, Vol. 50, p. 266, 2010
Number of pages: 2 Posted: 17 Nov 2009 Last Revised: 15 Jun 2010
Jennifer Anglim Kreder
Northern Kentucky University - Salmon P. Chase College of Law
Downloads 168 (366,211)



Art, Cultural Property, Restitution, cultural property law, antiquities, museums, Roman history


Antiquity Meets the Modern Age: Ebay's Potential Criminal Liability for Fake and Stolen International Antiquity Sales

5 Case Western Reserve Journal of Law, Technology & the Internet 143 (2014)
Number of pages: 36 Posted: 08 Sep 2013 Last Revised: 04 May 2016
Jennifer Anglim Kreder and Jason Nintrup
Northern Kentucky University - Salmon P. Chase College of Law and Northern Kentucky University - Salmon P. Chase College of Law
Downloads 165 (371,943)



Art theft, cultural property, international antiquity sales, eBay, illicit trade in art, criminal liability, antiquities



Art, Theft, Cultural Property, Holocaust, History, International, Act of State, Separation of Powers, Jurisdiction, Russia, Russian, Time Bar, Statute of Limitations, Limitation, Laches


Anticipating Prosecution of the Gardner Heist

17 Canadian Crim. L. Rev. 47 (2013)
Number of pages: 26 Posted: 08 Sep 2013 Last Revised: 09 Sep 2013
Jennifer Anglim Kreder and Joseph Huber
Northern Kentucky University - Salmon P. Chase College of Law and Northern Kentucky University - Salmon P. Chase College of Law
Downloads 152 (398,818)



art theft, Gardner Museum, National Stolen Property Act, Theft of Major Artwork, TOMA


Cultural Heritage and the Arts Review

The American Society of International Law, Vol. 1, No. 2, Fall/Winter 2010
Number of pages: 64 Posted: 17 Feb 2020
Jennifer Anglim Kreder
Northern Kentucky University - Salmon P. Chase College of Law
Downloads 123 (471,559)



culture, cultural, heritage, cultural heritage, cultural property, indigenous, native, antiquities, antiquity, art, artist, nazi, nazis, holocaust, russia, russian, revolution, machu picchu, seize, seizure, museum, gallery, tut, egypt, war, deaccession, deaccessioning, language, restitution



Holocaust, WWII, War, Preemption, Iqbal, Twombley, Foreign Affairs, Foreign Relations, Executive, States, California, New York, Demand and Refusal, MOMA, Museum, Art, Grosz, Artist, Hitler, Nazi


Brief Amicus Curiae of the American Jewish Committee, Et Al.

Number of pages: 56 Posted: 06 Mar 2017
Jennifer Anglim Kreder, Edward Gaffney and Rajika L. Shah
Northern Kentucky University - Salmon P. Chase College of Law, Valparaiso University and Loyola Law School Los Angeles
Downloads 117 (489,939)
Citation 1



Fritz Grunbaum, HEAR Act, Art, Nazi, Art Theft, World War II, Statute of Limitations


Understanding Guatemala’s Cultural Heritage: Extending Protection to Colonial Art in the Memorandum of Understanding Between the United States and Guatemala

Duke Journal of Comparative & International Law, Vol. 21, 2011
Number of pages: 32 Posted: 28 Sep 2010 Last Revised: 11 May 2011
Xavier Beteta and Jennifer Anglim Kreder
Northern Kentucky University and Northern Kentucky University - Salmon P. Chase College of Law
Downloads 114 (499,594)



Guatemala, cultural property, MOU, CPAC, treaty, heritage, cultural heritage, colonial, art, native, indigineous, UNESCO, pre-Colombian, Colombian, culture, colonialism


Museums in the Crosshairs: Unintended Consequences of the War on Terror

10 Washington University Global Studies Law Review 239 (2010)
Number of pages: 58 Posted: 18 Feb 2020
Jennifer Anglim Kreder and Kimberly DeGraaf
Northern Kentucky University - Salmon P. Chase College of Law and Northern Kentucky University - Salmon P. Chase College of Law
Downloads 107 (523,302)




Guarding the Historical Record from the Nazi-Era Art Litigation Tumbling Toward the Supreme Court

University of Pennsylvania Law Review PENNumbra, Vol. 159, p. 253, 2011
Number of pages: 19 Posted: 04 May 2011 Last Revised: 09 Sep 2013
Jennifer Anglim Kreder
Northern Kentucky University - Salmon P. Chase College of Law
Downloads 101 (545,246)



Nazi, Art Theft, Looted Art, Art Litigation, Cultural Property


Statement of Concerns About Disposition of Nazi-Looted Art in the United States, Submitted to the Office of Holocaust Issues, U.S. Department of State, September, 22, 2009

Number of pages: 8 Posted: 03 Aug 2010
Michael Berenbaum, Edward Gaffney and Jennifer Anglim Kreder
American Jewish University - Sigi Ziering Center for the Study of the Holocaust and Ethics, Valparaiso University and Northern Kentucky University - Salmon P. Chase College of Law
Downloads 97 (560,150)



Nazi, WWII, Cultural Property, Art, International, Holocaust, Looted Art, Berenbaum, Gaffney, Kreder, Restitution, Nazi-Looted Art, Alternative Mechanisms


U.S. Declaratory Judgment Actions Concerning Art Displaced During the Holocaust

Kunstrechtsspiegel, pp. 181-186, April 2008
Number of pages: 6 Posted: 10 Nov 2009
Jennifer Anglim Kreder
Northern Kentucky University - Salmon P. Chase College of Law
Downloads 92 (579,288)



Nazi, WWII, Cultural Property, Art, International, Holocaust, Looted Art, Restitution, Nazi-Looted Art


Just the Facts, Ma'am: Scotus Ups the Ante Fifty Years after Conley

Number of pages: 3 Posted: 12 Aug 2009 Last Revised: 13 Aug 2009
Jennifer Anglim Kreder and Benjamin A. Bauer
Northern Kentucky University - Salmon P. Chase College of Law and Northern Kentucky University - Salmon P. Chase College of Law
Downloads 91 (583,201)



Conley, Twombley, Iqbal, Pleading, FRCP 8


Nazi Looted Art in the Second Circuit: Recent Developments

Art & Cultural Heritage Law Newsletter
Number of pages: 5 Posted: 24 Sep 2009
Jennifer Anglim Kreder and Lucille A. Roussin
Northern Kentucky University - Salmon P. Chase College of Law and affiliation not provided to SSRN
Downloads 84 (611,965)



Nazi, WWII, Cultural Property, Art, International, Holocaust, Looted Art, Roussin, Kreder, Restitution, Nazi-Looted Art, Second Circuit, 2nd Cicuit, Developments, Choice of Law



Nazi, WWII, Cultural Property, Art, International, Holocaust, Looted Art, Restitution, Nazi-Looted Art, Second Circuit, 2nd Circuit, Developments


Cultural Heritage & Arts Review

The American Society of International Law: Cultural Heritage & Arts Review, Vol. 1, No. 1, Spring 2010
Number of pages: 40 Posted: 07 Jul 2010 Last Revised: 19 Oct 2011
Jennifer Anglim Kreder and Cristian DeFrancia
Northern Kentucky University - Salmon P. Chase College of Law and affiliation not provided to SSRN
Downloads 83 (616,247)



culture, history, heritage, art, arts, international, underwater, Nazi, holocaust, antiquities, ancient, WWII, monument, monuments, war, 1954, unesco, 1970, ASIL



Art, Theft, Cultural Property, Holocaust, History, International, Act of State, Separation of Powers, Jurisdiction, Russia, Russian, Time Bar, Statute of Limitations, Limitation, Laches


Navigating the Changing Ethical and Practical Expectations for E-Discovery

Northern Kentucky Law Review, Vol. 36, No. 4, 2009
Number of pages: 12 Posted: 17 Nov 2009 Last Revised: 17 Jun 2010
Jennifer Anglim Kreder and Bryce C. Rhoades
Northern Kentucky University - Salmon P. Chase College of Law and affiliation not provided to SSRN
Downloads 80 (633,770)



E-Discovery, Ethics, Pracital Expectations, Northern Kentucky Law Review, Chase College of Law


Brief Amicus Curiae of B'Nai B'Rith International, Raoul Wallenberg Ctr. for Human Rights, Simon Wiesenthal Center, Amb. Stuart E. Eizenstat, et al. filed in Zuckerman/Leffman v. The Met

United States Court of Appeals For the Second Circuit, No. 18-0634-cv
Number of pages: 37 Posted: 21 Jun 2018
Jennifer Anglim Kreder, Edward McGlynn Gaffney and Douglas W. Kmiec
Northern Kentucky University - Salmon P. Chase College of Law, Independent and Pepperdine University - Rick J. Caruso School of Law
Downloads 69 (681,144)



HEAR Act, Art, Nazi, Art Theft, World War II, Flight Art, Flight Tax, Holocaust, Looted Art, Second Circuit, 2d Circuit


State Law Holocaust-Era Art Claims and Federal Executive Power

105 Nw. U.L. Rev. Colloquy 315 (2011)
Number of pages: 17 Posted: 04 Jun 2011 Last Revised: 06 Sep 2013
Jennifer Anglim Kreder
Northern Kentucky University - Salmon P. Chase College of Law
Downloads 67 (691,535)



WWII, World War II, Nazi, Holocaust, art, art theft, looted art, art litigation, cultural property, act of state doctrine, state law, judicial restitution


Protecting Property Rights and Unleashing Capital in Art

2011 Utah L. Rev. 881
Number of pages: 45 Posted: 05 Apr 2011 Last Revised: 07 May 2014
Jennifer Anglim Kreder and Benjamin A. Bauer
Northern Kentucky University - Salmon P. Chase College of Law and Northern Kentucky University - Salmon P. Chase College of Law
Downloads 66 (696,896)



Art Theft, Cultural Property, Torrens, Registered Land


Bakalar v. Vavra Motion to File Brief Amicus Curiae

Number of pages: 21 Posted: 10 Nov 2009
Jennifer Anglim Kreder
Northern Kentucky University - Salmon P. Chase College of Law
Downloads 61 (724,683)



Nazi, WWII, Cultural Property, Art, International, Holocaust, Looted Art, Restitution, Nazi-Looted Art, Second Circuit, 2nd Cicuit, Developments


Response to Opposition of Plaintiff-Appellee David Bazalar to Motion of Michael J. Bazyler, et. al., for Leave to File a Brief Amicus Curiae

Number of pages: 16 Posted: 13 Feb 2012
Jennifer Anglim Kreder and Edward Gaffney
Northern Kentucky University - Salmon P. Chase College of Law and Valparaiso University
Downloads 58 (742,284)



Nazi, WWII, Cultural Property, Art, International, Holocaust, Looted Art, Restitution, Nazi-Looted Art, Second Circuit, 2nd Circuit, Developments


Lessons for Religious Liberty Litigation from Kentucky

19 Wash. & Lee J. of Civil Rights & Soc. Just. (2013)
Number of pages: 42 Posted: 07 Sep 2013 Last Revised: 13 Nov 2013
Jennifer Anglim Kreder
Northern Kentucky University - Salmon P. Chase College of Law
Downloads 57 (748,297)



religion, religious liberty, Establishment Clause, Constitutional Law, discrimination, religious speech, religious symbolism, nonbelievers, church-state, Religion Test Clause


Bakalar v. Vavra Brief

Number of pages: 34 Posted: 10 Nov 2009 Last Revised: 07 Jul 2010
Edward Gaffney and Jennifer Anglim Kreder
Valparaiso University and Northern Kentucky University - Salmon P. Chase College of Law
Downloads 57 (748,297)



Nazi, WWII, Cultural Property, Art, International, Holocaust, Looted Art, Restitution, Nazi-Looted Art, Second Circuit, 2nd Cicuit, Developments



Holocaust, Nazi Stolen Art, Supreme Court of the United States, Nazi, WWII, World War, World War II, Pissarro, Cassirer, Thyssen-Bornemisza Collection Foundation, Thyssen, Bornemisza, Spain, Holocaust


International Hurdles in Nazi-Era and Russian Revolution Cultural Property Cases

49 Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law 227 (2017)
Number of pages: 14 Posted: 12 Nov 2016 Last Revised: 04 Mar 2020
Jennifer Anglim Kreder
Northern Kentucky University - Salmon P. Chase College of Law
Downloads 55 (760,925)



Stolen art, art theft, Russian Revolution, Nazi era, Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act, Act of State Doctrine, Cultural Property



holocaust, art theft, World War II, Nazis, museums


Executive Weapons to Combat Infection of the Art Market

Washington University Law Review, Vol. 88, p. 1353, 2011
Number of pages: 11 Posted: 29 Jun 2011
Jennifer Anglim Kreder
Northern Kentucky University - Salmon P. Chase College of Law
Downloads 53 (773,981)




Joint Comment on Proposed Cultural Property Uniform State Law Project

Number of pages: 2 Posted: 03 May 2011
Jennifer Anglim Kreder and Lucille A. Roussin
Northern Kentucky University - Salmon P. Chase College of Law and affiliation not provided to SSRN
Downloads 47 (815,780)



Art Theft, Cultural Property, Uniform Law

Other Papers (1)

Total Downloads: 369

Reply to Yale's Opposition to Motion to File Amicus Brief (Attaching Yale's Opposition for Good Faith Full Disclosure and Educational Purposes) Filed in Yale University v. Konowaloff

Number of pages: 22 Posted: 21 Jun 2011
Jennifer Anglim Kreder
Northern Kentucky University - Salmon P. Chase College of Law
Downloads 369



Amicus, Amici, Yale, Kreder, Kentucky, North Dakota, Paust